Fed Govt planning to tax motorists by the mile

I thought the stiffulus bill was going to be the mother of all infrastructure funding?

Don't forget how pissed off the Prius drivers and Sierra Club is, because a Hummer pays the same mileage tax as a hybrid.

And don't forget the GPS technolgy strapped to your ass in that car is courtesy of George Bush.
bla bla bla Obama wants to.....wait actuly no he rejected the idea

"Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood gestures during an interview with The AP – Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood gestures during an interview with The Associated Press, Thursday, …

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Friday rejected his transportation secretary's suggestion that the administration consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive instead of how much gasoline they buy."


its funny how one person suggest something, and it = Obama supports and will do X....

Also simple fact is, as we use less and less gas , we hope , the funds to pay for road reparits and cost will have to come from someplace....unless you just want to let them fall apart...so it is a real idea that at some point will will have to look at.

Go back and read where it said "Obama supports..."... can you find that statement? I looked twice, it's not there.

Pocket... do you ever just read what is in the post instead of inventing your own assumed meaning? Here, let me help you out...

This is the only reference to Obama in the entire post you responded too...

I'm SO glad we voted Barack Obama into office, so he could appoint people like this to his cabinet, who REALLY know what government is for.

Note... did it say Obama supported the proposal? No. Did it say Obama created the proposal? No. Did it say anything at all about policies that Obama supports or is against? Not at all.

Hint: It said... I am so glad that we voted Barack Obama into office, so he could appoint people like this to his cabinet. ... Wow...

Guess what! He's right! Last thing we need is people "like this" in cabinet positions in our government.

Now, if you are done with the invented strawmen arguments?

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