FCC Wants To Tax Broadband Internet--Thanks democrats!

Is this topic about the fear of women and minorities . . . or the FCC?


Well--I think they start with a given topic, then things wander a bit.
Not unlike conversations of all kinds.
I mean--what else is there? Talking Points?
Generally speaking--those of the left-wing affliction--will digress into one of their limited talking points.
It's just the way it is.
Expect race and minorities to be spewed out like a wildcatter's dream well--only to be, in reality, a briny salt-water blowout.
Well--I think they start with a given topic, then things wander a bit.
Not unlike conversations of all kinds.
I mean--what else is there? Talking Points?
Generally speaking--those of the left-wing affliction--will digress into one of their limited talking points.
It's just the way it is.
Expect race and minorities to be spewed out like a wildcatter's dream well--only to be, in reality, a briny salt-water blowout.
Thanks, Johnny. But this topic did not "wander a bit." The only post regarding the FCC was the opening post, and subsequent posts were on a completely different topic.

I'm not complaining- just wondering if I should post on the FCC. It does not seem to be a popular topic, so I'll let it go.

And just so you know, I did notice the second post in the thread- the one that sent it "wandering," was not from a liberal poster.

Thanks, Johnny. But this topic did not "wander a bit." The only post regarding the FCC was the opening post, and subsequent posts were on a completely different topic.

I'm not complaining- just wondering if I should post on the FCC. It does not seem to be a popular topic, so I'll let it go.

And just so you know, I did notice the second post in the thread- the one that sent it "wandering," was not from a liberal poster.


Well, my experience with forums is they are like bar-room conversations--without the smoke and booze.
I suppose it is because most of us--myself included--tend to "free-associate" on forums.
There are ones that are more strict about this.
They are not very popular--and hence pointless.
Thanks, Johnny. But this topic did not "wander a bit." The only post regarding the FCC was the opening post, and subsequent posts were on a completely different topic.

I'm not complaining- just wondering if I should post on the FCC. It does not seem to be a popular topic, so I'll let it go.

And just so you know, I did notice the second post in the thread- the one that sent it "wandering," was not from a liberal poster.

Correction there Valkyrie .....
The second post was posted by a liberal ...........
Well, my experience with forums is they are like bar-room conversations--without the smoke and booze.
I suppose it is because most of us--myself included--tend to "free-associate" on forums.
There are ones that are more strict about this.
They are not very popular--and hence pointless.
It's is not necessarily a bad thing for a topic to evolve. This one did not evolve.

And again, this is not a complaint- I was simply trying to determine if anyone had any real interest in discussing the FCC. Apparently they do not.

I suppose it is because most of us--myself included--tend to "free-associate" on forums.
There are ones that are more strict about this.
They are not very popular--and hence pointless.
If a topic is not allowed to progress beyond the first post- and every topic is simultaneously about everything and nothing- the only thing that is "pointless" is having multiple categories and threads in the first place.

Thank you again!
Steer the conversation back to the FCC--that will be your contribution and bring up what you wish to comment on.
I would be quite interested.
Think of it as a management or a client-vendor conversation.
It goes--where it goes. :)
Hannity exposed Rev. Wright. He played his tapes all the time. The rest of the media wouldn't touch Obama's religion with a ten foot pole, but they are having no problems tearing Romney's apart.
I have not seen anyone in the media tearing Romney apart as they did with President Obama.

However, religion- anyone's- is fully deserving of all the ridicule that rational people can generate.
Oh Lord .....
Not Another one .................

Another robot?
Democrats are ginning up to full fury--their tentacles are everywhere.
Like a Jules Verne novel.
No mention of 'clinging to guns', though, must have been an oversight.
Valkyrie was a great Wagner composition--interesting handle, ja?
Gesplunt! :giggle:
Oh Lord .....
Not Another one .................
My thoughts exactly!

Left to one's own devices, a person might contemplate the existence of a higher intelligence, but they would not believe in it until they had evidence of such. However, we are not left to our own devices- we have been programmed to believe from the moment we are born.

Therefore, the normal state of being does not include any gods. Strange that you see a person in their natural state and say "Not another one!"

And how sad.