Play devils advocate for me
You feel it is an opinion that if we over charge people/company's in the US for energy and then give other countries our money and give them green lights to over pollute it will not change global warming. So in a way we agree but what is odd to me is that you feel its an opinion.
If we are polluting less and being charged more then in turn give third world countries the extra money we were taxed and the green light to pollute more and they would have the money to produce aka pollute more and also we would be without so we would desire to buy those excess products they polluted more to make.'
how on earth is it an opinion that it would not help global warming. it would just be having other countries do the polluting but the polluting would still be made.
I am unsure how that can be deemed an opinion.
It just seems like logical common sense.
Facts are facts, and opinions are opinions.
I used to have to teach the difference to fourth graders. Of course, that requires making things as simple as possible so that nine year olds can grasp the concept.
I would start by explaining the difference, then giving examples and asking them to give a thumbs up to facts, thumbs down to opinions so i would know if they were getting it or not.
I'd say, "The sky is blue", and sure enough, it was a sunny day. Thumbs up all over the room. Then I'd get to my favorite: "Chocolate ice cream tastes better than vanilla."
Since at least 90% or more of nine year olds prefer chocolate, I'd get a lot of thumbs up and uncertainty. How do you prove that chocolate tastes better than vanilla?
Then I'd take an informal poll: How many prefer chocolate (the vast majority).
Then I'd show them that we now have a fact to back up the opinion: Fact, a majority of the students prefer chocolate. Opinion backed up by the fact, but still an opinion: Chocolate tastes better than vanilla.
The point of all of that is that an opinion, even when backed up by facts and widely shared, is still an opinion. That doesn't mean it's wrong, of course, just that it is not a fact.
Likewise, it is not a fact that passing cap and trade isn't going to stop global warming. It is an opinion that can be supported by facts, but still an opinion.