energy policy


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
Part of the oil path problem is the gov lack of any energy policy. Anytime gov starts taxing to fix the price of some commodity higher, it wrecks the dynamics of the market. Corn is a great example in the gov quest to make ethanol. Ethanol creates a 55000 btu deficit for every acre raised for ethanol. That is the diesel used to grow the corn is greater than the production of ethanol by BTUs.

Wind mills solar panels all have negative BTU profiles. They call them renewable sources but the lesson learned from Germany and Spain is that the wind turbines fell far short of their productive life expectancy and had to be replaced or repaired losing all of the projected cost benefits of renewable energy. Apparently nobody in the Obama administration does math.

We have gluts in oil, gluts in natural gas, gluts in coal and the obama administration can't get it together enough to see that the greatest stimulus to the economy would be cheap energy, not these adventures in solar panel tax credits.

Cheap energy is what makes businesses expand. Energy in China is cheaper than the USA. China's stimulus plan included 34 nuclear power plant and they have 300 more on the drawing boards.

Cheap energy makes consumers feel like spending.

So when policies by gov raise the price of energy, don't do math, and incentivize BTU inefficient technologies, the economy contracts. The hype explodes of course and companies start wasting money chasing gov tax credits. We need nuclear power plants not wind turbine farms.

Obama knows very little about the physical world, in fact, to me he doesn't seem to know much about anything. He is the wrong person at the wrong time... But I would say that McCain would have been equally lost and inept. This is the same old story. It takes a lot of brains to build a nuclear weapon but how much brains does it take when you turn their control over to the politicians, the intellectual bottom rung?

I can tell you that the present oil pump is not beneficial to the Christmas consumer but I also believe this is just a pump and dump and will be short lived. But this gives hedges a great opportunity to short retail if they can push oil up and kill the consumer.

I always compare petroleum equivalents and we have a big gap between Natural Gas and Oil.... silver and Gold too. For me this would place oil at about $36 bbl. Of course that would be wonderful for both business and the consumer. But the Obama administration is conceptually out to lunch and they don't do math very well.

best regards
Yeah,, The reason is LIBERALS!! They dont want Oil drilling in ANWR, they dont want build new refineries,They dont want electric cars roaming on our streets, They dont want Oil offshore drilling ,They dont want to build high speed rails. And they dont want the coal industry.
Yeah,, The reason is LIBERALS!! They dont want Oil drilling in ANWR, they dont want build new refineries,They dont want electric cars roaming on our streets, They dont want Oil offshore drilling ,They dont want to build high speed rails. And they dont want the coal industry.

The oil companies can't adequately maintain the refineries they have. And we are supposed to allow them to build more? As for domestic drilling, even if we allowed all our reserves to be drilled, it wouldn't make a dent in what we need to keep our economy going. As for the coal industry, unfortunately, it is a necessary evil, but only in the short term, IMHO. It too needs to be phased out eventually to be replaced by cleaner alternatives. It is destructive of our land, our water, and our air. It is the worst of the bunch. I would love to see more electric cars, particularly fuel cell cars when the technology matures. Give me the high speed rails as well. Great idea.
Yeah i hate 747 Alirline Jets. We can replace 747s and other boeing aircraft by building high speed rail underground. You realize from NYC to Los Angeles takes only 1 day on the high speed rail and from NYC to Orlando in 6 hours on high speed rail? I say cut down number of flights and skies wont be crowded anymore.
Clean Energy Policy:

We start by using Rogen's genius plan to transform government from a wealth destroying monstrosity into a lean, mean, profit making machine. That will give America a real advantage over other nations and an infinite amount of cash to throw at solving our energy problems.

With just a few trillion dollars of investment, and some badly needed new government bureaucracies, we breed unicorns, build pumpkin carriages, and train leprechauns! Within a couple of years we can all travel through the sky across beautiful rainbows in a unicorn drawn pumpkin carriage with a leprechaun at the reigns.

That will give America an even bigger competitive edge and as soon as the Pegasus technology matures, we can replace every unicorn and leprechaun jockey with a Pegasus.

The magical horns of the unicorns can be harvested as a zero point energy source and the rest of the unicorn can be sold off to make high quality glue and dog food. The leprechauns can replace illegal immigrants as underpaid, or unpaid, servants to do the jobs Americans don't want to do.

"A leprechaun on every porch and a Pegasus in every garage!"

And we all live happily ever after, the end. :)
Gov doesn't need to do "that much" in fact if it did a lot less we would all be a lot better off. The goal should be very simple:

1) small gov
2) good defense
3) a solid dollar
4) right to work nation
5) cut welfare
5) eliminate corporation income tax
6) Distribute tax burden amongst all americans not just against those with incomes over 115K who now pay 90% of the tax collected. Deficits could be controlled if instead, most Americans paid just 7% of their incomes. I prefer a consumption tax of 4% on all items purchased. This would prevent tax cheats like most liberals congressman and Treasury Secretaries. It would also reward people who conserved resources.
7) I would make cheap electrical power the cornerstone of my energy policy. I would build 200 more nuclear power plants. This would reduce every homeowners electric bill by 50%, put money in the hands of business and consumers. It would encourage the electric car business, and save on fossil fuels. As it stands now, pushing ethanol only increases the cost of food and for each acre of corn grown for ethanol it has a 55K BTU deficit to oil because of the cost of diesel to raise, harvest, process and transport ethanol. Plus it is a lousy fuel prone to atmospheric moisture so eventually it will cost more to repair your car.

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