What would it take for the U.S. to go fully "green"?

I drive about 100 miles a wdeek, I do not have an electric car.
I have two enenrgy efficient cars, a Subaru and a Toyots Yaris. I spend about $40 every six weeks for gasoline.

Electric cars are the future. Yes, the technology needs to be more widespread. But Big Oil is putting up obstacles to prevent electric from developing what is needed.

Big Oil is ghe enemy, MAGA their ally.
Big oil is the 'boogey-man' democrats have created to scare voters into voting for stupid candidates in elections.
Thd Big Oil Lobby has been running this country since WWII. Idiot.
Really? So it was big oil Eisenhower was fighting when he had to send troops to Arkansas to force the democrats to allow blacks into public schools? Or was big oil that made Eisenhower send those troops to Arkansas force democrats to allow the integration of public schools?
Big Oil discriminated in hiring, but it did not actually take a stand on Civil Rights. Whether they rode buses or private cars in Birmingham, they still sold gasoline.

But they did lobby to build more highways and to end streetcars.
I drive about 100 miles a wdeek, I do not have an electric car.
I have two enenrgy efficient cars, a Subaru and a Toyots Yaris. I spend about $40 every six weeks for gasoline.

Electric cars are the future. Yes, the technology needs to be more widespread. But Big Oil is putting up obstacles to prevent electric from developing what is needed.

Big Oil is ghe enemy, MAGA their ally.
your delusional seriously.