Enemies of Islam! God is your enemy!


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
Islam has prescribed two categories of people, in accordance with their free will and reason to look into the universe and decide for themselves whether to belive in a creator God or not. This is the simple messsage of Islam. Man is created from nothing and is give life and death to prove himself worthy of understanding or not. those who are blind shall be punished in eternal fire of hell and those who reflect and see God through His handiwork, the universe shall be awarded with eternal felicity in the hereafter.
Don't wonder much! For it is your decision that earns you either. It is you who makes his own destiny. Look at everything for everything indicates this directionality with a precise finally man is made for. It is your attitude that makes you earn either way. All this is founded on a propmise by the creator Himself. You have no choice in coming, no choice in your form and shape, colour and size. you have no choice in your structure, you have no choice in your life cycle, the one and only on this earth(Any reincarnation whether in the form of a mouse or a cockroach or even a worm are therefore unacceptable to Islam, not even a human member of the honorable human species). You have no choice in confronting with the universe and you have no choice to make your choice between two only options. those who are sceptics are disbelievers until they profess their belief in God.
So make you choice while having the time!!
People cannot force themselves to believe in anything that does not make sense to them. Islam is as silly as Christianity.