I will not waste my time responding to your ad hominem and strawman fallacies, instead I will point out that I did address what you actually posted:
You proposed an economy based on 100% spending and 0% savings - true or false
If the answer is False, then I have misinterpreted your proposal, I apologize for the misunderstanding, and I request that you be more specific.
However, if the answer is True, then I have addressed what you actually posted and my statements are valid - demonstrably so.
Now let's examine the proposed economic "system" of 100% spending...
The average mean income for the US is roughly $47,000 a year. At current income tax rates an individual will pay $7,780 in income tax and an additional $2,656 in FICA taxes, leaving them with an adjusted after-tax annual income of $36,564. Now to be generous, let's say they get paid every 2 weeks, that's $1406.30 per paycheck and, according to your "system", they have to spend all that money and save nothing.
Under your "system" no individual could ever purchase any single item with a cost greater than $1,406.30 - Congratulations, your "system" just killed the entire economy of the United States: The realty industry is dead, can't buy a new home for $1400... The auto industry is dead, can't buy a new car for $1400... The construction industry is dead, can't build a new building for $1400... Every industry that sells products or services in excess of $1400 has gone broke AND the entire stock market has collapsed as every penny of capital has been drained out of it and there is no more capital in the form of savings and investments available to purchase stocks and bonds, thus bankrupting every major company and industry overnight....
And what's this person supposed to do for income in retirement? He wasn't allowed to save anything, so once he retires, he's flat broke... Perhaps your plan is to cart him off to the Glue Factory in true Animal Farm fashion, or maybe soylent green is more your style...
Since you're so keen on accusing me of not understanding reality, and not comprehending economics, and you refuse to discuss economic growth as it pertains to the proposed "system" by pretending that it's unrelated to the topic, perhaps you can explain how your "system" realistically leads to something other than total economic collapse.