Economic success and failure in the USA. Has nothing to do with pigmentation.

Yeah....we White-folks should be eternally grateful for the hand-up we've gotten....for decades....from this Country's non-White populations....resulting in all our prosperity.

You engage in any retarded self hate you want. Worship an immoral ideology. Joe Biden is your god!

We(Note the word), we are a country. We succeed or fail as a country not as groups or tribes. Because white people developed the personal computer for ordinary consumers I do not feel that blacks or Indians need to collectively thank all white people.

I'm glad you are posting on this thread.
its not proof. lol.

blacks on average are lower than whites. prove that ZERO PERCENT of that is due to skin color. duh

clue for morons - i don't have to prove you wrong. YOU made the claim, you prove it. duh.

See what a liar you are? Always white vs black.

Black,black,black,black,black,black,!!! Use black failure to prove that America sucks as as a country!

What about the other 26.3% of our country that is not white? They do not count?

You are pathetic.
Again for those with poor reading skills. There are 28, 28 non white ethnic groups with higher household incomes than whites. Indian Americans have double the average household incomes as whites.

White privilege is a lie!
Again for those with poor reading skills. There are 28, 28 non white ethnic groups with higher household incomes than whites. Indian Americans have double the average household incomes as whites.

White privilege is a lie!

what would the income levels be of non white groups if they were white, dumbass? lol. maybe they'd be even higher.
prove they wouldn't be. duh
See what a liar you are? Always white vs black.

Black,black,black,black,black,black,!!! Use black failure to prove that America sucks as as a country!

What about the other 26.3% of our country that is not white? They do not count?

You are pathetic.

i never said america sucks, *****. lol
Notice the language usage. From the Robert Byrd school of racial politics?

notice i'm just quoting your link. lol.

you need to show that the incomes wouldn't change if blacks in america were white, for example.
but all you do is wave your arms and try to deflect. lol.
what would the income levels be of non white groups if they were white, dumbass? lol. maybe they'd be even higher.
prove they wouldn't be. duh

Why would they be even higher? Asians do well in other countries.

Their incomes are HIGHER than whites! But if they were white they would be even higher?
So nobody wants to discuss the subject of this thread?

I want those posters from the super ultra sheet white counties you come from to lecture me how my country is not diverse enough.

How many black leaders has Germany or France elected?
Why would they be even higher? Asians do well in other countries.

Their incomes are HIGHER than whites! But if they were white they would be even higher?

maybe being asian reduces their incomes due to their skin color. who knows? you claim it doesn't but you fail to prove it. duh.

the fact that other ethnic groups are higher than whites doesn't mean that skin color has NOTHING to do with income, just that it isn't the ONLY thing determining income.

but you aren't smart enough to understand that simple concept. lol
you keep repeating your claim and yet all you do is hand wave. lol.

so again, pigmentation has ZERO effect on earnings?
you have yet to prove that.
heres your problem you often deny the truth either due to being stubborn and enjoying arguing because you think your smart and are actually stupid