Drug test, schmug test. Biden rules. Trump drools


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
Now Trump claims that Biden is "cheating" by using drugs. I doubt that this is true, but EVEN IF IT IS, it is about Biden;s competence as president, not as a debater that matters. If for some reason, President Biden needs to be at his very best to confront Kim, Putin,Xi ofr Netanyahu. and he can do this safely by taking some pill. well okay, GO FOR IT!
Trump is a lame ass debater, why should it matter if Biden can win the debate. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. No drug test is ever required for debates, ever.
Biden is a competent president, Von Shitzizpants is not.

Everyone has had diarrhea . How competent did it make you feel about doing anything useful? Trunp has the runs daily. Who wants a president impaired by his bowels?