Don't Waste Your Vote!

It is hard to imagine romney being any farther to the left of obama. He is less conservative than I would like but clearly no where near as radical as O.

Yet you and I both know that he would like to redistribute wealth in many other ways too. I fail to see how it is important that the income tax has been progressive for a long time - I do not want a progressive income tax at all. In fact I do not even want an income tax. Anyway, redistriubtion is the tip of the ice berg. If he is not a socialist then he is as close as one can get.

Do you think there is even a smidgen of possibility that the flat tax will become reality regardless of who is elected to the White House?

and what exactly does "farther to the left" mean, anyway? Do you think that the federal government will become smaller and less expensive if the Republicans win the election? Will there be a realistic effort to decrease the deficit? Do you define "left" in terms of the so called "social conservative" issues? Are our individual liberties going to be restored, or at least not further eroded?

Personally, I think Romney would make the better president, but don't expect any major changes in Washington regardless of which one is elected.
Personally, I think Romney would make the better president, but don't expect any major changes in Washington regardless of which one is elected.

According to what he and Ryan are talking about, their plan is to reduce the size of government, taxes and spending. The Tea Party types will definately hold their feet to the fire, but a lot will depend on who controls congress. If Reid is still there, nothing will get done.
According to what he and Ryan are talking about, their plan is to reduce the size of government, taxes and spending. The Tea Party types will definately hold their feet to the fire, but a lot will depend on who controls congress. If Reid is still there, nothing will get done.

Yes, Republicans have been talking about reducing the size of government at least since 1980. I'll believe it when I see it.
Yes, Republicans have been talking about reducing the size of government at least since 1980. I'll believe it when I see it.

Romney said he wants to start with a 10% reduction in staffing and consolidate areas that are duplicated.
What do you all mean by size? Are we talking about how many people working for the federal government or spending?
The Republicans will not succeed with this ... however, the TEA Party will! The Reagan Republican party is dead .... the TEA Party is the new Reagan era!

we need better than Reagan, govt got bigger by the bills he signed. rhetoric is all well and good but its actions that will need to matter now. TEA Party would not be happy with Reagan.
Context baby .... Context ...
The TEA Party is absolutely the evolution of the Reagan era!

I prefer to think of it as people who realize that they are Taxed Enough Already and that spending in DC is past insane and must be addressed. It isn't even a conservative vs liberal thing so much as its a realization that there is a cliff up ahead and the BS HAS TO END.
I prefer to think of it as people who realize that they are Taxed Enough Already and that spending in DC is past insane and must be addressed. It isn't even a conservative vs liberal thing so much as its a realization that there is a cliff up ahead and the BS HAS TO END.
My thoughts exactly ...