Donald Trump: Taylor Swift Is 'Disloyal' If She Endorses President Biden

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Please, need to tell those voices, in your head, that "evil" is man-made / fairy-tale terminology....designed to terrorize small children and poorly-educated adults.
Here is real sedition, not the bogus kind Democrats are wickedly charging their political enemies with.

Protesters burn American flag outside White House after Trump’s July Fourth address | The Hill

Protesters burn American flag outside White House after Trump’s July Fourth address
Who are these "those'?
I'll suggest it is you only.

It wasn't leftists. It was the DOJ etc protecting the very constitution you so proudly hold and quote.
False charges??? You are joking.
Democrats do not arrest real terrorists, they take up collections to get them out of jail.

Rioters Smash Windows, Write Graffiti Threats During Roe v. Wade Protests in Portland | The Epoch Times 6-26-22

Rioters Smash Windows, Write Graffiti Threats During Roe v. Wade Protests in Portland
Democrats see jailing opponents of voter fraud by the thousands on purely political grounds as their patriotic duty, but jailing violent criminals and rioters is not their job.
Wrong but feel free to prove that anyone was jailed for opposing fraud and not for breaking laws duh
Name one person who was jailed , by democrats, for opposing voter fraud.

Roughly 350 individuals have been sentenced for their Jan. 6 activities. Of those, 192 have been sentenced to incarceration.
mr. trump, feeling a little delicate?

Former president donald trump took to Truth Social on Super Bowl Sunday to complain about pop star Taylor Swift and rumors she may endorse President Joe Biden this election cycle.

Always happy to take credit for others’ success, the real estate mogul-turned-reality star claimed Swift should be grateful to him for making her “so much money,” saying that she would be “disloyal” if she supported the Democratic candidate for president, as she has in years past.

Any politician who says not supporting them is being disloyal doesn't deserve anyone's loyalty.

How dare trump say such a thing?

And how dare trump try to take any credit for Ms. Swift's success? She is successful because she worked her butt off ever since she was young. She also had parents who supported her and her musical career.

What a small, petty and pathetic man.
Wow thats breaking new alright ,who gives a shat who she endorses she ! person

Roughly 350 individuals have been sentenced for their Jan. 6 activities. Of those, 192 have been sentenced to incarceration.

they werne't jailed for "opposing fraud", they were jailed to breaking laws like tresspassing and assault. duh

Roughly 350 individuals have been sentenced for their Jan. 6 activities. Of those, 192 have been sentenced to incarceration.
I'll ask again. Which ones were jailed by democrats?

You made the claim democrats jailed them. Put up or shut up.
they werne't jailed for "opposing fraud", they were jailed to breaking laws like tresspassing and assault. duh
No, thousands of violent looters and burners were never jailed or imprisoned for breaking laws like trespassing.

Judge asks prosecutors why Jan 6 protesters are being treated worse than BLM rioters