Does the US Government Have the Right to Kill American Citizens with Drone Strikes

Why should we keep the power of the presidency limited to the Constitution? Are you seriously asking that, or am I misinterpreting your question?

What power are you limiting? again there is no new power here. The Power to use a weapon against someone committing a violent acts its not a new power. As before, on Sept 11, Bush ordered sent Fighter jets to shoot down American Civilian Aircraft...This was not a new power...but one granted from the start....The only thing that changed was the tools able to be used. A Cop has always had the power to shoot a criminal pointing a gun at them....we don't walk around saying, cops have the right to shoot anyone they want though...And if you said does a cop have the right to shoot a man...we would all agree that there are times when yes he does...That does not mean anyone granted the right to shoot anyone anytime. And that is what people are making out the Drone issue to be...when it is not, and never was.

Imagine the outcry is Sept 11 had never happened...and Obama as asked if he had the right to shoot down a civilian airliner, and he said legally he could in some circumstances. The Right would be screeming abouse of power and the tea party would scream about how he was going to just go taking over and killing democracy or some bullshit....But yet we all know when that event actuly did one questioned Bush's choice ( if you can even call it a choice) and said it was Illegal for him to give that order to shoot down the planes. And had the plane that hit the 2nd tower been downed by a Drone , or by a F-15, or by a Cop with a gun...would you have cared what method they used? Would you have thought, but no one tried to read them there rights? No.
Well, you do sort of have a point there. They could just hunt people down from helicopters. The fact of the matter is that they're using drones to kill people, including Americans, because they've been accused of terrorism. What's to stop them from using drones (or helicopters, if you prefer, or the sort of mechanical "dog" described in Fahrenheit 451, or anything else) to hunt down and kill people that they suspect of being bad guys in general?

There's a reason for the right to a jury trial, and the presumption of innocence.

OK so you want a do you plan to go into west Pakistan and get them to bring them to trial? Or Yemen? or what ever shit whole nation they are in next? Do we have to invade them all because one guy in the terrorist group is a American Citizen who declared war on his own nation and is plotting and caring out attacks... Or are you going to ask Pakistan or Yemen to do us a favor and send there troops into a war zone to maybe get some guy for us..( who by the way is not sticking around in one area ) and just hope they don't mind having a bunch of there own killed to help us ( because of the love they have for us) Or are you going to let them keep plotting and sending terrorist.

Its war...If some Americans joined the Nazi's in WWII, or Some Americans joined the Koreans, or we run in trying to read there rights to them on the battlefield? Lets say your Commander and Chief...A American who has declared war on you, Makes video's and audio tapes telling others to Kill tied to one terrorist attack that was successful...Put a bomber on a plane to blow up the plane to Kill have him in your site with a have put together all the evidence you have, had lawyers and others going over it, and approving the target...There is no chance that the goverment of the nation they are in, can get him or would even try...They would never let you send ground troops into there nation without fighting back and calling it a act of war....and if don't act soon he will be gone would let him go and just hope he did not kill more?
What power are you limiting? again there is no new power here. The Power to use a weapon against someone committing a violent acts its not a new power.
How about the right to use a weapon against someone that you think might commit a violent act sometime in the future?

that is what is happening.

It's not like a cop shooting a suspect in the act of a violent crime. It's like a cop shooting someone who might someday commit a crime. There is a big difference.
Drones Keep Watchful Eye on Illegal Hunting

From Hollywood to Kansas, drones are flying under the radar

EPA Drones Terrorizing Ranchers Because the EPA Hates the Heartland

Domestic use of drones? Bad idea (this was written by Bob Bickel, a liberal)

.....drones have already been deployed to assist local police departments, which on its face may seem like a good idea. But local police don't control the drones; that's done by trained drone pilots in the U.S. military.
Drones have been seen here in Texas as well.
The thing is ... you don't know who deploys them. Is it the local Sheriff's Department, the University or the US Government and what data are they gathering and why?
How about the right to use a weapon against someone that you think might commit a violent act sometime in the future?

that is what is happening.

It's not like a cop shooting a suspect in the act of a violent crime. It's like a cop shooting someone who might someday commit a crime. There is a big difference.

Its happening? really? In the US? when?
Worldwide...yes...again...war...not criminals. In war there is no rule that says wait until they are about to shoot you before you shoot them. No one has any illusions that those rules of war overseas, and the rules of law enforcement in the US are not different.

So am still not seeing any issue that has to do with drones here. Just general fears being put on the Drones that have nothing to do with Drones themself.
Drones have been seen here in Texas as well.
The thing is ... you don't know who deploys them. Is it the local Sheriff's Department, the University or the US Government and what data are they gathering and why?
Who cares? you can make a drone for of your own if you want for cheap...
Guess what there are helocopters and planes that fly near my house...O my god they are spying on my and going to shoot me with missles! ahhhh!

you can buy a "drone" on Amazon .
Who cares? you can make a drone for of your own if you want for cheap...
Guess what there are helocopters and planes that fly near my house...O my god they are spying on my and going to shoot me with missles! ahhhh!

you can buy a "drone" on Amazon .
POS ....

All of us understand that you are clueless about the US Constitution, more specifically the Bill of Rights and have no respect for it either. We all understand that a low informed member such as yourself would not have an "issue" with the behavior and activities of this administration.

However, just because you lack the capability to understand the content of this thread and respond to it in context and respectfully does not mean everyone else who is posting on this topic does not have valid concerns and points about this administrations use of drone technology.
Its happening? really? In the US? when?
Worldwide...yes...again...war...not criminals. In war there is no rule that says wait until they are about to shoot you before you shoot them. No one has any illusions that those rules of war overseas, and the rules of law enforcement in the US are not different.

So am still not seeing any issue that has to do with drones here. Just general fears being put on the Drones that have nothing to do with Drones themself.

the attorney general of these United States went to the trouble of figuring out if using drones to kill citizens without the bother of doing much of anything. why would he do so unless there was some plan to do so ?

its happened amigo, sticking your head in the sand doesnt change that.
the attorney general of these United States went to the trouble of figuring out if using drones to kill citizens without the bother of doing much of anything. why would he do so unless there was some plan to do so ?

its happened amigo, sticking your head in the sand doesnt change that.
Keep in mind how the liberals reacted to Bush's warrant less wire tapping on suspected terrorist with overseas ties.
Then said nothing when Obama extended and expanded the Patriot Act to include spying on innocent citizens.

Patriot Act Extension Signed By Obama

More of that "liberal logic" right? You can't make this stuff up!
the attorney general of these United States went to the trouble of figuring out if using drones to kill citizens without the bother of doing much of anything. why would he do so unless there was some plan to do so ?

its happened amigo, sticking your head in the sand doesnt change that.

Again, no he did not...You mindlessly just keep saying it, but in fact its simply not true.

The AG did not just say , he we can kill anyone we want...He was asked a question...and he responded...There does not mean to be much looking into to figure this simple issue. And then you guys just made it into something else....and when it was clarified even ignore it.

I know you hate this, but there is nothing new there. zero. there is no new powers...There is no power to use force "without the bother of doing much of anything" you can be a typical republican parrot and keep saying it but it is not true, never was true, will not be true. And was clearly stated by the AG as not true.
POS ....

All of us understand that you are clueless about the US Constitution, more specifically the Bill of Rights and have no respect for it either. We all understand that a low informed member such as yourself would not have an "issue" with the behavior and activities of this administration.

However, just because you lack the capability to understand the content of this thread and respond to it in context and respectfully does not mean everyone else who is posting on this topic does not have valid concerns and points about this administrations use of drone technology.

Mindless thinking. You attack the administration for saying they can do things they said they can not and are not legal. Because you hate Obama and could give 2 shits about facts. You talk about the bill of rights but can't bring up a valid argument on one right that even violated...unless you make up events that the admin said are illegal. Thats like me attacking Bush for saying he could do something, when he in fact said you can't. But your a troll so I know you don't care about facts.

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