Here is the link. I never know when people want a link or not, but here is one. The man is pro life and to prove how horrible planned parenthood is, they called and taped the calls to various planned parenthoods asking to donate to abort only black babies, and planned parenthood was happy to help. It was all over the news, but probably not the news you watch *sheepish grin*
here is just a google link to tons of other webpages on same topic, incase the first story I posted was not to your liking.
This is exactly why no one should take any credence in any of your posts. This was what you originally posted...
Did you not hear about the donors who called to want to donate money just to abort black babies? And the receptionist assured them that Yes you can!
The call was a set up call from one of those sick psychopathic nut jobs that stand out in front of women's clinics trying to intimidate women who already are in a very, very tough & personal position. THE DONOR WAS YOUR PEOPLE, YOUR SICKO SIDE!
The tape clearly shows the growingly astonished young girl putting her supervisor on the call and that supervisor belittles the man for obviously being a nut job. For a nonprofit organization to say they'd accept ANYONE'S and EVERYONE'S money is absolutely the norm. They would have no obligation to spend it in any certain way and you know it!
I'm going to be right in your face with this. What you've tried to pull here is not honorable. It shows much more about your character than Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood was not soliciting any money and they in no way were being racially motivated. It was a sick set up call by some of your buddies on the lunatic Right!
You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for posting such a big fat lie!