Mr. Cranky pants? Name calling? I've seen much worse in this forum. It's just a friendly moniker, but I think you are just kidding about that.
I wasn't kidding about how you haven't answered any of my questions, if that's what you mean.
Physicists are looking for a coherent model that brings unity to the nature of the universe. It is a noble endeavor. If the large scale and small scale can be united, other things like the cosmological constant, inflation, etc may (or may not) follow. If the current large problems are solved by a new small scale model, then experimental verification will have been done.
Coherence isn't the only thing that validates a scientific theory. Never mind the lack of experimental verification. The idea that you need to add more and more dimensions to a mathematical model to fit previously unexplained phenomena is my primary criticism of string. Stringy people aren't even unanimous in exactly how many dimensions there are.
Given enough aptitude in higher math, I can choose to contrive a model with as many dimensions as necessary and in as many shapes as there are functional relationships.
In fact, any two discrete phenomena can be easily joined by a smooth curve through a simple exercise of differential equations. The loudness of your fart, for instance, could just as easily be a function of the length of time you are logged-on in this forum.
That was his intention, but the important thing he did was put a covariant tensor into his field equations that kept consistency. That term now has multiple purposes outside his original purpose. In simple terms, Einstein made his theory more flexible, and physicists are now using that flexibility in different ways.
Again you missed the 'big picture'.
He was trying to derive a steady-state universe. Why the universe is in a steady-state to begin with is
something he only felt like thinking.
And so, prior to his death, and in the face of friedmann's independent derivation of his field equation (minus the cosmological contant -- friedmann being a citizen of communist russia, felt no particular need to think the universe was in a steady state), he admitted that the cosmological constant was his greatest blunder.
Presently, we know that the universe is not only expanding, it is doing so at an accelerated rate. And since nothing in gr could explain this, we have merely recycled the cosmological constant and applied a different value to it.
Hey, Mr. Nasty Pants. Are you trying to put me down so you can woo Mare into thinking you are the most brilliant person in this thread?

Just kidding, no need to answer.
No. I am truly interested in this subject matter for the longest time. I just haven't found anyone rational enough to discuss it with. For a moment there, I had high hopes for you. No such luck, I'm afraid.
Feel free to flirt with mare as you wish.
You also may want to refresh your memory too. The reference you sited has the following passage:
"A major outstanding problem is that most quantum field theories predict a huge cosmological constant from the energy of the quantum vacuum."
Quantum vacuum - the froth at the bottom strikes again! This kind of shows that that string theory with the "10 or 11 dimensions indeed!" are kind of at the bottom of things, so to speak, and has a fundamental bearing on the cosmos. So don't you think you should look at the teeny picture at quantum scales too if you want to understand the big stuff?
I have no problems with that. My problem rests on the fact that since matter and energy is conserved, the amount of contracting tendency of space is fixed. To accelerate space in the opposite direction, you need an ever-increasing lambda. Since lambda is a function of vacuum, it suggests that lambda is being created out of nothing.
I was responding to your comment:
"Now, you must admit, lambda is a curious something that arises from nothing. Not only does it violate lorentz invariance (able to propagate faster than the speed of light via hyper-inflation)..... "
You were worried about something going faster than light. So now you agree that "local" is the operative word. Case closed.
Are you saying that there is a way by which the speed of light varies? Perhaps it is a function of an extra dimension wrapped around space-time. And that the invariant speed of light is actually the visible effects of shortcuts as light travels along this spiral?
That would explain your infatuation with string. And yes, it is a bit contrived.
Not so. It was "contrived" to explain the apparent age of early galaxy formation, and other things. The fact that IR space telescopes stare at an event horizon 13.6 billion light years away came as a consequence.
Eh? You just paraphrased the horizon problem which I just mentioned. What dishonest nonsense.
Assuming the universe is 13.6 billion years old, and that expansion occurs constantly in all directions, we have a universe with a diameter of no less than 27.2 billion light-years. Since entropy can only propagate via radiation, that is, the speed of light, then we have an entropically disjoint universe.
And your solution is simply, space expanded faster than light. Duh?
Sigh. Sigh. (Note: "sigh" is a put down. I am up one sigh above his now.)
That's right. That Newton is sooo yesterday.
EM waves ain't got nuthin to do with bundled anythings. Quantum mechanics is not like that, but I'm further digressing from your digression, so I won't pursue it, unless anyone is interested in that off-topic.
A photon is a quantized electromagnetic field. If you are going to impugne what I say, then you should have some credible facts and logic to support it, now, shouldn't you?
You are prejudging the potential theory. Gravitons may not necessarily curve space. Einstein's warped space was way outside the box of Newton's inverse square action at a distance. Likewise, graviton gravity (catchy little phrase isn't it) may not have anything to do with warped space. One requirement is the so-called "Correspondence Principle". A new theory must be able to include the old theory as an adequate approximation under loose enough conditions.
It doesn't curve space eh? Now you are trying to catch your own tail. Round and round and round....