Do celebrities and politics go togther?

Granted. As sooo many of the left have pointed out repeatedly, this is true. And if he was nothing but an actor, then I would not have been interested in voting for him.

But that is a very small part of Reagan's life that those on the left have magnified.
Isn't that The Truth!!
... do we run the risk of unjust labelling and association from the celebs they get public endorsements from?

My question is mostly applicable to the young voters of America, who really idolize these people: do celebrities you admire effect your perception of a candidate?
Why do you address your question to just young people? Celebrities do sell products to every age group. Michael Phelps who won 8 gold medals will get over $30 million a year in endorsements. Insurance, hemorrhoid products, retirement investments are being endorsed by old celebrities. There is no question that celebrities influence the perception of products.

The techniques behind presidential marketing is not much different than selling laundry soap.
I was on YouTube today and found some of the celebrity 'public service announcement' (PSA) videos where some big name celebrities tell you the importance of voting. It's all for a good cause- but as more and more celebrities take an active role in politics, do we run the risk of unjust labelling and association from the celebs they get public endorsements from?

My question is mostly applicable to the young voters of America, who really idolize these people: do celebrities you admire effect your perception of a candidate?
And is the new interest that is attracted by famous people (the new voters who vote because of the hype, or because someone they idolize is all for it) a fair exchange for a surge of new, and potentially ill informed, voters showing up at the polls?

Here are some videos to watch

Celebrity endorsements don't really do it for me, on the left or the right. It also happens on both sides. Remember Chuck Norris standing by Mike Huckabee at every turn? It really is stupid. But you know what? It probably has some impact on people that get their news from either Rush or Olbermann exclusively, rather than from several sources. These days, if you are intelligent and well-read, you get called an "elitist". LOL.
Why do you address your question to just young people? Celebrities do sell products to every age group. Michael Phelps who won 8 gold medals will get over $30 million a year in endorsements. Insurance, hemorrhoid products, retirement investments are being endorsed by old celebrities. There is no question that celebrities influence the perception of products.

The techniques behind presidential marketing is not much different than selling laundry soap.

Well that's true... The primary reason it was addressed to the younger age group is because typically they idealized the stars, and wish to be like them, and I identify with them.

Remember Michael Jordon? Remember the "I wanna be I wannab be like Mike... Like Mike, if I could be like Mike!"

Now typically, you see this in the younger idealization of stars. You just don't see this geared towards mid and older generations. ...Hopefully... people have grown up by then and realized there is nothing special about these average humans who happen to be in the spot light.

Generally after you've been around the block a few times, and heard all the truly stupid things celebrities have said, you realizes they are all dumb people playing smart people on TV.