Not offended in the slightest, just wary of SPAM. You must understand that like many other forums online we get our own share of people who make posts that are mere advertisement for a secondary site or product, which is against the rules here. If that is not your purpose, then we will have no problems.I didn't intend on doing anything wrong by putting my youtube video up. I can't edit it out of my postings though because I am for some reason unable to edit my messages. Whatever your purpose would be for banning me rather than just taking the video down or allowing me to do so, I'm not certain, but you are the moderator and you can certainly do whatever you need to do....but, like I said, it wasn't my intention to do anything wrong and I'm just here to talk about voters unions...sorry if I offended in some way

Again, you might want to read into the various states who hold caucuses, Iowa being probably the best known example. It is similar. Also, it is similar to the existing party system we have, and most of the rest of the world has. Most are based on ideology rather than say for example income.Any group could start a voters union. Its just a way for people to mathematically "amplify" power of their vote as a social class, to organize in such a way that they don't cancel out one another's vote. The downside, as you point out, would be that all the people would have to compromise on many issues by agreeing to vote for the candidate who won the union election...I guess you could say the purpose of a voters union would be to create a shift of power within all the political parties so that they ended up being more in line with what their base wanted rather than with what the higher-ups in the party wanted...that's the theory anyway
The biggest issue I have is that the parties and all other groups like PACs, labor unions, industry organizations etc, are all strife with corruption. Much moreso than our elected officials.
My preference would be to ease away from party and large group politics and we focus on electing individuals, voted on by individuals, who donate individually. I want to eliminate the days of organizational donations and endorsements for the most part.