So on a tangent, I was playing Jr. monopoly last night and when my 7 yr old son landed on a square which required him to by an $8 glass of lemonade he said "what if I don't want to buy the lemonade?" I said this is "socialist monopoly" you have to buy the lemonade. I couldn't help but remember the koolaid lines and that koolaid does make a lemonade flavor. And yes I know the premise of the game is contrived and not about socialism. It is just a tangent after all.
OMG I never thought about that, I will have to point that out to my little girl next time we play.
Do you know where the kool aid saying came from?
Back when Jim Jones had his peoples temple, he had his underlings make kool aid and put poison in it, some of the people drank the kool aid willingly knowing it was poisoned and would kill them, because they believed in what he was doing so much they were willing to do what ever he said.
They fed their children this poisoned kool aid and watched them die because their leader told them to do it.
Those who did not willingly drink the kool aid were forced by gun point to drink it. Every one died but I think 4 people who ran and hid and lived to tell the story.
Jim Jones did not drink the kool aid; he shot himself in the head. Like most socialistic leaders they never put on themselves what they ask of the followers. Dying of the poison was apparently painful and he wanted a quick out.
When we say kool aid drinkers, it means they drink the poison that their leader spews out, with no questions asked.
I am not sure if many who use the term realize its origin.