There will never be another Black president FOR A LONG TIME!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Obama is the first and the last Black president in America. You see Obama didn't learn from Jackie Robinson. Baseball and other sports succeed with Blacks because when they came in to those white sports they had to work hard and prove themselves they can play with whites. Just like Baseball has black players cause Jackie Robinson succeeded. NFL has black players cause Jim Brown succeeded. The NBA has black players cause Earl (the Peral) Monroe succeeded. Golf has black players cause Tiger Woods succeeded. Hockey,Bowling & NASCAR are still white cause Blacks cant do the job in those sports. Even Black baseball managers are fading away cause No black manager has ever taken a team to the World Series. If Frank Robinson cant do it no black man can! The NFL had only 2 black coaches in superbowl is why theres only 2 black coaches left in the NFL. There are no black coaches in the NBA No black coach ever taken his team to the NBA Championship. Obama didn't succeed in the Oval Office is why voters will never elect another one because Obama ruined it for his people . When a black kid tells me when I grow up im going to be president im gonna laugh at him ,, And ill say ..Kid youre better off going in the NBA instead going in the white house.
I don't think that's true at all. Quite the opposite. I would love to see an Allen West presidency. :D
Lots of black hockey platers. Caps have two i believe. And not that new. Grant Fehr the galie for Edmunton durung the Gretzkey area, remember him ? Not many blacks in NASCAR but not zero.
Well If he wins the white house I hope John Boehner walks up to him said,,Please Mr President dont screw up like the last one did. Suppose Jackie Robinson sucked ok? Frank Robinson would been the second one and the Nergo Leagues would still be here today as a minor league. It means only blacks play there. If your good enough any major league team can claim you. But if you mess up you go right back down to the Negro leagues. Like Adam Jones wouldn't screw up on the Orioles cause he doesn't want to play for the Baltimore Elite Giants

"Don't judge someone by the color of their skin. Judge them by the content of their character".

Obama isn't a bad president because he's half black. He's a bad president because he is a liar and incompetent.
Plus hes stupid . He doesn't know what hes doing. Just like the NFL refs didn't know what they were doing on that last play got Brady upset.