DICK Cheney; Back-Stabbin' TRAITOR!!!

Check the date, Skippy. :rolleyes:

You clearly don't have a clue about the history of this situation.....more-than-likely due to your reading-comprehension issue.​

Actually I have a great deal of experience with the history of this situation and degree to go along. I don't get my education from liberal forums, NPR, CNN, The Huffington Post, and your favorite Media Matters. What we all love is when we get into a intellectual debate with you, you resolve to insult, and childish banter. Then you cruise the lib sites trying to find something that you can stretch to fit to your argument, which are comically ignorant at best.
Then you cruise the lib sites trying to find something that you can stretch to fit to your argument, which are comically ignorant at best.

It's the world he knows.
Somebody needs to tell The DICK he lost.


Losing an election, doesn't mean you are factually wrong about anything. I remember telling you Obama wouldn't pass a tax cut, and although Obama won the election, I was right, he didn't pass a tax cut. So no one needs to tell Cheney anything. You on the other hand, need to realize winning an election doesn't make your lame assertions right. :cool: