Democrats "fighting like hell" to cover up Biden's quid pro quo corruption in Ukraine

If Biden was intending to speed up the Burisma investigation involving his son, then he either failed deliberately or miserably. Either way. Quid Pro Joe proved himself incompetent and corrupt.
That's the point. There is no evidence he committed any crimes. Why can't you grasp that fact?

He was sent to Ukraine by Obama to get rid of that bastard that was corrupt.
Why don't you point the finger at Obama? Why hasn't he been impeached over it?

It never failed son. He had him removed. No incompetence or failures there.suck eggs.
That's the point. There is no evidence he committed any crimes. Why can't you grasp that fact?

He was sent to Ukraine by Obama to get rid of that bastard that was corrupt.
Why don't you point the finger at Obama? Why hasn't he been impeached over it?

It never failed son. He had him removed. No incompetence or failures there.suck eggs.
Are you complaining that investigators began investigating before they had all the evidence?
No so everyone makes mistakes its not corruption
I know. When Hillary lies to democrats she did not lie but merely misspoke and when democrats conduct money laundering operations with foreign thugs that is nobody's business and there is no evidence.
I know. When Hillary lies to democrats she did not lie but merely misspoke and when democrats conduct money laundering operations with foreign thugs that is nobody's business and there is no evidence.

feel free to present credible evidence of corruption, lying idiot.
so far all you have is stupid right wing blather. lol
You say they found nothing but that is not true.
Well what is true?
The Impeachment was specifically based on Biden received corrupt payments.
It was dropped because they found none.
Why can't you accept that instead of the Constant childish back biting like a kid? You know you're wrong.
feel free to present credible evidence of corruption, lying idiot.
so far all you have is stupid right wing blather. lol
Democrats believe Trump lies constantly and Biden and Hillary never lie because the devout rubes believe what their party leaders have taught them to stupidly believe.
Well what is true?
The Impeachment was specifically based on Biden received corrupt payments.
It was dropped because they found none.
Why can't you accept that instead of the Constant childish back biting like a kid? You know you're wrong.
I have not heard that the impeachment hinged on the word of one witness the FBI promoted for more than a decade and I have not heard that Biden is out of the threat of impeachment woods yet. Trump was impeached without a crime twice so it is possible Biden's crimes may get him impeached also.
Democrats believe Trump lies constantly and Biden and Hillary never lie because the devout rubes believe what their party leaders have taught them to stupidly believe.
Quote dems saying Biden never lies, lying idiot
You are such a liar lol
I have not heard that the impeachment hinged on the word of one witness the FBI promoted for more than a decade and I have not heard that Biden is out of the threat of impeachment woods yet. Trump was impeached without a crime twice so it is possible Biden's crimes may get him impeached also.
You've heard about it but it wasn't in your favour so you suddenly conveniently deny it.
You can wish anything you like in Joe but the GOP had their chance and found nothing. Get over it lead arse.