USMC the Almighty;14556]You make a decent argument, but I still believe that the tax system is unfairly biased against those who earn more money.
We can agree to disagree.
And this is our fundamental disagreement. I, like this country's Founders, believe firmly in the concept of self-responsibility. This is not mutually exclusive with the idea of helping people, but the federal government is NEVER the solution to social issues. Everything the federal government gets involved in just becomes slower, inefficient, and expensive.
This is why I support charity and faith-based programs. It should come as no surprise that, for this reason, conservative individuals and capitalist countries are more charitable. Conservatives and capitalists believe in personally helping one another out through direct action. Liberals and other big-government countries have this feeling that the government will take care of everything and the government is the source of every solution.
This is the fundamental departure of ideals. I believe that the government which governs least, governs best. You believe that the government that governs most governs best.
You are right this is where we part ways. I'm emphatically against the American people being put at the mercy of the church when they need help. The church with today's population just absolutely could never handle the load and if left only to them they would do a 1000 times worse job than the government know matter what flaws may be in the current system. Remember the Reverend Jim Baker... PTL TV network, and Heritage USA theme park???
Social Security was nothing more than another one of FDR's "reform" measures in attempting to create a welfare state of perpetual dependence on the government. A lot like today's Democratic party.
And it makes sense. The Democrats depend on this impoverished bracket (the "lazy bums" as steveox refers to them) to vote for them. So they really have no incentive to get these people out of poverty. Because once they start making money, and paying taxes, well -- that's when people start moving right.
I hate to see people write stuff like this because it is so unfair and completely untrue. Social security was never meant as a major retirement plan nor was is some welfare for bums. Social Security was designed the same way a "Christmas Fund Account" is. You pay into it your whole working life (YOUR OWN MONEY) and you can't draw from it until Christmas or in this case RETIREMENT. It was developed as a self enforced savings plan to give some small measure of income to help prevent poverty stricken old age.
The fact that the government has raided the fund so many time that if it's not shored up some while the baby boomers move through it will face shortfalls is certainly no indication that the plan is bad.
That's like saying if I rob the hen house and eat all the chickens I have a right to complain about the lack of eggs for breakfast.
Of course, but you always have to keep the intent of the Founders in mind. If nothing else, they stood for limited federal government. It was most certainly never the intention of the Founders to have a state where the top 1% of the country pays for themselves and the lower third of the country, for example.
Read Jefferson. He wanted a country where everyone built nice families, worked with their own land out on the farm, and made a good, decent living with absolutely no interference from the federal government.
The Founders would absolutely hate welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and all these other big-gov't programs, but moreso they would fear that this is the beginning of the one thing they unanimously wanted to avoid: a large federal government that could potentially deteriorate into tyranny.
Come on... We don't really know any of this to be true. People change with the times. It's like saying the Founding Fathers would hate automobiles because they loved their horses.
So you support cutting taxes?
I support the Democrats version of "pay as you go". You have to work at a balanced budget. If you want to spend more over here... then you have to find a place somewhere else to cut.