Dem Death Wish


They pulled the Public Option, 'cause Republicans refused to vote, in-favor of The Bill, if the Public Option was in there!

I think you just earned yourself a "YOU LIE!"


They do not need a single republican in the senate or house to pass that monster of a health care bill.

All they need is the blue dogs to shut up and get in line, ask no questions and fall on the sword for the messiah and his pathetic plan.
....Yes, Republicans did refuse to vote in favor of it, however, in case you have forgotten, so did many Democrats.

It is therefore a total fabrication to claim that the GOP killed the public option.

As for lying... please show me how I lied by saying Democrats voted against the public option.
Toooooooooooooooooo easy.....​

"Moderate Democrats in both chambers killed the plan."​
How inclusive that sounded.

....And, they've "limited" it to "NO!!!"



Thanks for posting that Shaman. I could not agree more. I am all for saying NO to stupidity. But, why are you Progressives so unhappy when you have total control in the House and Senate?

Sorry to say, all your other posts that I have seen suck. And I do ignore most.

I had such hopes that you were asleep Sundays. Ignore is now on again.
Toooooooooooooooooo easy.....

How inclusive that sounded.


Since Republicans in both chambers did not have the votes to "kill" the public option, how is it then a "lie" to point out that moderate democrats within both chambers that opposed the plan effectively ended any chance it had?

If you need 60 votes to do something, and you have 60 Senators in your caucus, the plan will die when one of your members decide they do not like it and won't vote for it. That is exactly what happened, except it was a lot more than one member that did not like it.
Since Republicans in both chambers did not have the votes to "kill" the public option, how is it then a "lie" to point out that moderate democrats within both chambers that opposed the plan effectively ended any chance it had?

If you need 60 votes to do something, and you have 60 Senators in your caucus, the plan will die when one of your members decide they do not like it and won't vote for it. That is exactly what happened, except it was a lot more than one member that did not like it.

It's much easier to blame the Rs, which for many radical leftists comes naturally and they are incapable of understanding the facts or purposely chose not too.
....By acting like a 3-YEAR-OLD???????


No! A 3 year old would demand others cater to their every whim and take care of them. (Much like those who think everyone else should pay for their health care needs)

A 3 year old would expect that everyone must sacrifice for their needs because they have not grown up enough to understand that its not everyone else's job to care for you. (unless you are lets say... a 3 year old )

When they become a grown up, they should realize this without explanation, so why do I need to explain this to you?
And why are there some who expect others to take care of them when they are now all grown up?

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