Dem Congressman demands Photo IDs from his own Townhall participants


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
You can't make this stuff up, folks. After long and virulent opposition to any kind of ID requirement for voters at the polls, a Democrat congressman has finally reversed himself... but not for voters. He's demanding that participants in his Town Hall meetings be required to present Photo IDs to be admitted.

Apparently the prospect of illegal immigrants, planted outsiders etc. destroying the integrity of the American electoral system, doesn't bother Rep. Green (D-TX). But when people start asking honest, direct questions about what he is voting for in Congress... well, THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH!!!

Funniest part, is the ingrained Democrat habit of "fixing" what isn't broken. Every time that desperate Democrats have spewed that "planted thugs" etc. are disrupting their meetings, it has turned out that the people asking embarrassing questions were their own constituents, and often members of their own party. No one has yet produced any evidence to back up the Democrats' hysterical claims of "outsiders".

So, requiring proof that participants live in the Congressman's district, won't cut out any of the people asking the questions. While the questions Democrats don't want to answer, just keep on coming.

Democrat fear and hysteria over voters asking them pointed questions about their increasingly-indefesible agenda, is growing by the day. And their reactions are looking more and more paranoid... and totalitarian.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. :D


Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, has apparently stuck to his schedule of multiple town halls during the recess. But he is asking that people who show up produce IDs that show they are from his 29th District. (Insert your joke here about Democrats being against voter ID cards.) Green is a leader among Texas Ds in the House and was a negotiator on the House bill that passed the Energy and Commerce Committee before the recess.

Here is Green's explanation, in which he argues that a "coordinated effort" has been made to disrupt town halls:

Unfortunately, due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th Congressional District and verifying residency by requiring photo identification. Whether individuals agree or disagree, we must maintain order to have a civil discussion of the issues. While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
Unfortunately, due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th Congressional District and verifying residency by requiring photo identification. Whether individuals agree or disagree, we must maintain order to have a civil discussion of the issues. While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents.

And yet here you are finding fault with this action because he wants to allow his voting public/constituents the ability to hear/speak/question without the influx and overflow from people outside of their voting area.

If that was my neighborhood, my voting area, my bet you sweet arse I would hope someone would look out for my precious time to hear and learn from the elected official. GOOD GRIEF :rolleyes:

I'd lay odds that you would B & M if you got hung with a 'new rope' ;)

Yes, he's a hypocrite, but he is a democrat.

I'll bet he supports open entry into the US of illegal citizens with no questions or id asked.

Free Healthcare to illegals with no id, I bet he supports.
You can't make this stuff up, folks. After long and virulent opposition to any kind of ID requirement for voters at the polls, a Democrat congressman has finally reversed himself... but not for voters. He's demanding that participants in his Town Hall meetings be required to present Photo IDs to be admitted.

Apparently the prospect of illegal immigrants, planted outsiders etc. destroying the integrity of the American electoral system, doesn't bother Rep. Green (D-TX). But when people start asking honest, direct questions about what he is voting for in Congress... well, THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH!!!

Funniest part, is the ingrained Democrat habit of "fixing" what isn't broken. Every time that desperate Democrats have spewed that "planted thugs" etc. are disrupting their meetings, it has turned out that the people asking embarrassing questions were their own constituents, and often members of their own party. No one has yet produced any evidence to back up the Democrats' hysterical claims of "outsiders".

So, requiring proof that participants live in the Congressman's district, won't cut out any of the people asking the questions. While the questions Democrats don't want to answer, just keep on coming.

Democrat fear and hysteria over voters asking them pointed questions about their increasingly-indefesible agenda, is growing by the day. And their reactions are looking more and more paranoid... and totalitarian.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. :D


Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, has apparently stuck to his schedule of multiple town halls during the recess. But he is asking that people who show up produce IDs that show they are from his 29th District. (Insert your joke here about Democrats being against voter ID cards.) Green is a leader among Texas Ds in the House and was a negotiator on the House bill that passed the Energy and Commerce Committee before the recess.

Here is Green's explanation, in which he argues that a "coordinated effort" has been made to disrupt town halls:

Unfortunately, due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th Congressional District and verifying residency by requiring photo identification. Whether individuals agree or disagree, we must maintain order to have a civil discussion of the issues. While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

Typical day in D.C.

Its like the finger waving when private CEO's came to DC on a private plane. That was bad, but these jerks in congress can buy 2 new private planes for them to trot around the country on the weekends on our dime and that is good.

This is the same thing, ID to cut down on the illegal bad, ID to keep out as many non supporters of our monster of a bill good...
If that was my neighborhood, my voting area, my bet you sweet arse I would hope someone would look out for my precious time to hear and learn from the elected official. GOOD GRIEF
So you think people should have to show ID to speak but asking them to show ID to vote is totally over the line... GOOD GRIEF indeed!
So you think people should have to show ID to speak but asking them to show ID to vote is totally over the line... GOOD GRIEF indeed!
Originally Posted by ASPCA4EVER
If that was my neighborhood, my voting area, my bet you sweet arse I would hope someone would look out for my precious time to hear and learn from the elected official. GOOD GRIEF

I'm sorry are you suffering from a head injury, did it hurt, are you under medication???

I re-posted my comment and if you need this read out loud for better clarification then please go find an adult to utilize for that purpose; because there is absolutely no where in any thing that I stated did I mention an election. Your simple minded attempt to pick a fight is just so telling and immature too. But gladly carry on with your confusion you do that so well ;)
Well I suppose different Congressmen try different things to try to have a productive nontheatrical discussion.

If they want to check ID's to see if people are local or not so they know who they're really talking to... who cares?

I'll tell you this from my personal experience going to the Town Hall today in Columbus with Senator Sherrod Brown though.

It was first in line gets in. I'd say the first 200 or so in line out of say 300 or so got in.

They either had you sign in (name & address) or if you had a business card you could just hand them that. I did the business card because it was quicker and they appreciated that. They checked no ID's... really was encouraging everybody in line if they had a business card just to hand them that because it was less paperwork & quicker.

As far as the bused in hecklers... I can absolutely positively vouch for that. I sat with a group on purpose and chatted them up before the meeting started. They were all together and from Bucyrus, Ohio which is in a whole different part of Ohio.

They were pretty open with me before I spoke. You know me being a 52 year old White guy with the mustache & goatee that purposely wanting to sit with them.:)

I think they either thought I was on their side... or could be spellbound by their BS.

Boy was that a bad call for them!:)
Typical day in D.C.

Its like the finger waving when private CEO's came to DC on a private plane. That was bad, but these jerks in congress can buy 2 new private planes for them to trot around the country on the weekends on our dime and that is good.

This is the same thing, ID to cut down on the illegal bad, ID to keep out as many non supporters of our monster of a bill good...

Just so you know they're not getting the jets now. I know that's been a huge concern.

But here's the thing... I wouldn't really care that much if they did. These are our very top elected officials just under the President of the United States and while everyone BS's about them making so much... they don't.

The average salary is like $172K per year. So after taxes that's like $120K per year. A few perks to go with that for being at the very top of the political food chain is a huge deal???:confused:

My brother makes almost $250K per year gross just working for a pharmaceutical company and owning a little real estate on the side.
But here's the thing... I wouldn't really care that much if they did. These are our very top elected officials just under the President of the United States and while everyone BS's about them making so much... they don't.
Somehow I think you'd be singing a different story if it were a Republican White House and Republican Congress. These political elitists already get plenty of "perks" and attempts to purchase the newest, most expensive, most lavish private jets available - paid for by tax dollars - while we have mountains of debt is equivalent to saying "let them eat cake" and shows just how out of touch politicians are with the average American taxpayer.

And where are you getting this allegation that there are people who claim politicians are making a pile of money? Who says that? What people? None that I've seen... Yet you repeat that tired strawman in an attempt to rationalize them getting new private aircraft at a cost of more than 65 million dollars a piece.

They could "get by" with a private jet that costs 5 million but these elitists consider themselves the ruling class and since its on the taxpayer dime, they can live a lifestyle on par with the richest of the uber rich and all they have to do is tow the party line and vote for bills they haven't bothered to read.

Being a CEO is hard work, it takes a lifetime to achieve and CEO's have huge responsibilities and are held accountable. Being a Politician is a cake walk in comparison, they aren't held accountable - they just blame others - their responsible only to their party and the hardest part of their career is getting elected - once they're in, they can coast on the coattails of the party and enjoy a life of luxury they couldn't otherwise afford.

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