Well-Known Member
You can't make this stuff up, folks. After long and virulent opposition to any kind of ID requirement for voters at the polls, a Democrat congressman has finally reversed himself... but not for voters. He's demanding that participants in his Town Hall meetings be required to present Photo IDs to be admitted.
Apparently the prospect of illegal immigrants, planted outsiders etc. destroying the integrity of the American electoral system, doesn't bother Rep. Green (D-TX). But when people start asking honest, direct questions about what he is voting for in Congress... well, THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH!!!
Funniest part, is the ingrained Democrat habit of "fixing" what isn't broken. Every time that desperate Democrats have spewed that "planted thugs" etc. are disrupting their meetings, it has turned out that the people asking embarrassing questions were their own constituents, and often members of their own party. No one has yet produced any evidence to back up the Democrats' hysterical claims of "outsiders".
So, requiring proof that participants live in the Congressman's district, won't cut out any of the people asking the questions. While the questions Democrats don't want to answer, just keep on coming.
Democrat fear and hysteria over voters asking them pointed questions about their increasingly-indefesible agenda, is growing by the day. And their reactions are looking more and more paranoid... and totalitarian.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.
Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, has apparently stuck to his schedule of multiple town halls during the recess. But he is asking that people who show up produce IDs that show they are from his 29th District. (Insert your joke here about Democrats being against voter ID cards.) Green is a leader among Texas Ds in the House and was a negotiator on the House bill that passed the Energy and Commerce Committee before the recess.
Here is Green's explanation, in which he argues that a "coordinated effort" has been made to disrupt town halls:
Unfortunately, due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th Congressional District and verifying residency by requiring photo identification. Whether individuals agree or disagree, we must maintain order to have a civil discussion of the issues. While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents.
(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
Apparently the prospect of illegal immigrants, planted outsiders etc. destroying the integrity of the American electoral system, doesn't bother Rep. Green (D-TX). But when people start asking honest, direct questions about what he is voting for in Congress... well, THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH!!!
Funniest part, is the ingrained Democrat habit of "fixing" what isn't broken. Every time that desperate Democrats have spewed that "planted thugs" etc. are disrupting their meetings, it has turned out that the people asking embarrassing questions were their own constituents, and often members of their own party. No one has yet produced any evidence to back up the Democrats' hysterical claims of "outsiders".
So, requiring proof that participants live in the Congressman's district, won't cut out any of the people asking the questions. While the questions Democrats don't want to answer, just keep on coming.
Democrat fear and hysteria over voters asking them pointed questions about their increasingly-indefesible agenda, is growing by the day. And their reactions are looking more and more paranoid... and totalitarian.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, has apparently stuck to his schedule of multiple town halls during the recess. But he is asking that people who show up produce IDs that show they are from his 29th District. (Insert your joke here about Democrats being against voter ID cards.) Green is a leader among Texas Ds in the House and was a negotiator on the House bill that passed the Energy and Commerce Committee before the recess.
Here is Green's explanation, in which he argues that a "coordinated effort" has been made to disrupt town halls:
Unfortunately, due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th Congressional District and verifying residency by requiring photo identification. Whether individuals agree or disagree, we must maintain order to have a civil discussion of the issues. While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents.
(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)