Death Penalty

there are some cases in which the convict(s) should be considered for the death penalty because of the atrocity and/or cruelty used in the commission of the crime.

Until real research is done I don't think anyone can say with certainty whether the death penalty is an effective deterrent or not. But that's not the only reason to have one. Some crimes are so heinous that there's no other appropriate course of action.

That said, I don't think the death penalty should be handed out loosely, maybe even just in cases where there's more than one witness or when there's overwhelming evidence. But in those cases I don't think there should be room for someone to sit on death row for decades before the sentence is carried out, if it is at all.
Just recently in New Jersey, they've made a 'landmark' step in getting rid of the Death Penalty for good.

I think they're a bit flawed, but have the right idea. The death penalty should only be used in cases that LyricB cited. Some criminals will tell you straight out that if you don't execute them, they'll continue to kill as many people as they can.

A common argument is that keeping prisoners holed up for 20 or so years costs the tax payers too much money. I think a viable solution is to put all prisoners to work; give them manufacturing jobs and earn the prison some revenue. In no way does this mean we go back to the chain gang days of prisoner abuse, but instead, give the prisoners some thing to do, prevent the tax payers from having to spend billions on prisoners, and give prisoners an incentive for being a good worker. Perhaps they could earn wages [$.50 an hour?] and buy stuff such as chocolate bars or cigarettes.

Putting someone in prison, executing them 6 months later, and then finding out they were innocent is wrong and should be avoided at all costs.
Programs that teach prisoners a trade or even a skill are great as a whole. I am for the death penalty and think that it should be used in some cases - not all. I agree with what Furious George says about giving prisoners manufacturing jobs. This will help the economy as we will be providing a service versus outsourcing it elsewhere.
October 17, 2023
"Gregg Caruso is co-director of the Justice Without Retribution Network, which advocates for an approach to criminal activity that prioritizes preventing future harm rather than assigning blame. Focusing on the causes of violent or antisocial behavior instead of fulfilling a desire for punishment, he said, “will allow us to adopt more humane and effective practices and policies.”
i am totally opposed to the death penalty (as opposed to "life without parole" as the alternative), for two reasons: 1) mistakes are made, at least until we have an omniscient godlike judge and 2) the criteria to apply it are going to be subjective and thus no doubt unfairly applied by imperfect humans.

too often the death penalty feels like vengeance, hate, and bigotry, not justice.
i am totally opposed to the death penalty (as opposed to "life without parole" as the alternative), for two reasons: 1) mistakes are made, at least until we have an omniscient godlike judge and 2) the criteria to apply it are going to be subjective and thus no doubt unfairly applied by imperfect humans.


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