Its funny when Republicans talk about ..the Debt, Fiscal Responsibility...
Reagan..the Deficit is big enough to watch itself...(or close to that not sure wording100%)
Dick Cheny...Deficits don't matter...
Bush II...Lower taxes, spend more...and ummm the debt will just go away....ok never said it, but that was his policy
Obama...Jesus H christ how the hell did you screw this up so bad in 8 we have to try to fix this did not fix the econ in the snap of a finger...How dare you..also yes we have blocked just about evrything you have done to fix it....but its your fault we are where we put us...
You don't "fix" a debt crisis by spending trillions of additional dollars.
Sometimes you have to spend money to make money....Where would the Debt be today we say the Auto industry in the US went under? I would place my bets on a lot worse...we could have done no stim package...and just let it ride...but then we where loosing we are actually getting small amounts back...Last month we gained in the private Sector...of course numbers went down because government was cutting 2 times as many...
sometimes you have to Leverage to get the econ take a hit, but you gain long term...
Never do you take in less and spend more...and have that ever work....Unless your a republican and you just claim it works...
Snapshot of economy about to get a lot bleaker
Aug 27, 6:19 AM (ET)
WASHINGTON (AP) - The government is about to confirm what many people have felt for some time: The economy barely has a pulse.
The Commerce Department on Friday will revise its estimate for economic growth in the April-to-June period and Wall Street economists forecast it will be cut almost in half, to a 1.4 percent annual rate from 2.4 percent.
That's a sharp slowdown from the first quarter, when the economy grew at a 3.7 percent annual rate, and economists say it's a taste of the weakness to come. The current quarter isn't expected to be much better, with many economists forecasting growth of only 1.7 percent.
Such slow growth won't feel much like an economic recovery and won't lead to much hiring. The unemployment rate, now at 9.5 percent, could even rise by the end of the year.
"The economy is going to limp along for the next few months," said Gus Faucher, an economist at Moody's Analytics. There's even a one in three chance it could slip back into recession, he said.
Sometimes you have to spend money to make money....Where would the Debt be today we say the Auto industry in the US went under? I would place my bets on a lot worse...we could have done no stim package...and just let it ride...but then we where loosing we are actually getting small amounts back...Last month we gained in the private Sector...of course numbers went down because government was cutting 2 times as many...
sometimes you have to Leverage to get the econ take a hit, but you gain long term...
Never do you take in less and spend more...and have that ever work....Unless your a republican and you just claim it works...
In your previous post you cited three Republicans who advocated spending and did not worry about the debt.
You then say that the system was broken, and Obama has to "spend money to make money."
If that is accurate, why are we even in this situation? Apparently Republicans have been spending money all along (according to you) and ignoring deficit problems, and you argue that is a problem. Then when Obama does it on a larger scale, you argue that is the solution....
In your previous post you cited three Republicans who advocated spending and did not worry about the debt.
You then say that the system was broken, and Obama has to "spend money to make money."
If that is accurate, why are we even in this situation? Apparently Republicans have been spending money all along (according to you) and ignoring deficit problems, and you argue that is a problem. Then when Obama does it on a larger scale, you argue that is the solution....
Becuse what you spend on makes a difference..spending on tax cuts for the rich, and wars,...are not the same as spending on education, and energy, and things designed to invest in the US..
A company spending money on a new system that will long term make them more effecent...vs a company spending money on a big office will help the budget of the will hurt it....
Becuse what you spend on makes a difference..spending on tax cuts for the rich, and wars,...are not the same as spending on education, and energy, and things designed to invest in the US..
A company spending money on a new system that will long term make them more effecent...vs a company spending money on a big office will help the budget of the will hurt it....
The Rs have spent just as much on those programs as the Dems. The spending by both parties is out of control. Pockets gets his talking points from MSLSD.
And government deficit spending is not investing.
But, the useful idiots will buy anything the socialists (Dems/media) tell them.
then why is it only the Dems who are "socialists" and telling the useful idiots.... what again? That the spending is all OK?