Can a party that isn't actually a party have any success in a national election? I doubt it.
Perot might have had a chance, if he hadn't dropped out of the race. As it is, he succeeded in splitting the vote.
Can a party that isn't actually a party have any success in a national election? I doubt it.
Perot was gonna raise the gas tax to 50 cents a gallon.
This is gonna be the Third party suprising candidate
Palin & Gingrich 2012!!! Tea Party Candidates
There will not be a "Tea Party" candidate on the ticket... and Palin is not going to win any nomination.
You do not think people with the Tea Party will put up a candidate?
I think they will if the person the Republican party puts up is like McCain again
Bash McCain all you want, but in September 2008, he was beating Obama in most mainstream polls. He was a winnable candidate.
That said, I do not think that the Tea Party (if you want to even call it that, because in terms of political parties, no such thing really exists) is going to put any credible candidate up.
Palin would not be a credible candidate, she cannot win. Gingrich maybe, but he is not going to run under the banner of "tea party" if he decides to run. That would be a lost cause.
I truly hope it is. Nothing would help the Democrats more than that particular ticket (the bigot and the bimbo). Trust me on this. Is that truly the best the Republicans can produce? How sad.
Maybe we can get lucky and Newt will cheat and try to make Palin wife number 4 ( before he is done with 3 of course)
Maybe we can get lucky and Newt will cheat and try to make Palin wife number 4 ( before he is done with 3 of course)
Is this relevant to his policy plans?
was Monica?
but yea, I guess being a huge hypocrite and peice of crap may be relevant to him leading the US)