Cops: No Guns @ Health Care Townhall


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
I thought this one was interesting. The Jr. Senator for Alaska Mark Begich is holding another health care town hall meeting in Anchorage. Local police had to send out a press release to let everyone know that bringing guns to the meeting will result in arrest and misdemeanor charges because the event is located in a high school.
This stems after someone on a local radio show had someone on it encouraging people to come to the meeting packing heat as a show of exercising thier second amendment rights.

Also, as a result of past bad behavior, no signs, food or drinks will be allowed in the meeting. What a shame that the very important health care issue has deteriorated to this point in America.

Unfortunately, those who should be most ashamed of themselves of course dont somehow can justify in thier minds thier increasingly bizarre behavior.
I thought this one was interesting. The Jr. Senator for Alaska Mark Begich is holding another health care town hall meeting in Anchorage. Local police had to send out a press release to let everyone know that bringing guns to the meeting will result in arrest and misdemeanor charges because the event is located in a high school.
This stems after someone on a local radio show had someone on it encouraging people to come to the meeting packing heat as a show of exercising thier second amendment rights.

Sounds like a good setup for an acto of Civili Disobedience. You know, when the govt passes a law that is either inappropriate or (in this case) unconstitutional, you inform the police (and the press) that you intend to violate that law at exactly 1:00 PM next Tuesday at such-and-such a location, and that you will not be harming anyone, threatening anyone, or unduly worrying anyone by your actions. You go there at the appointed time, do your thing while the cameras roll, the cop comes up and informs you that you are violating the XXX law and would you please cease and desist, you state that you are completely within your rights and are doing no harm, and you will courteously decline to stop, the cop slips the cuffs on (cameras still rolling) and takes you to jail.

They'd just better be ready to play out the ENTIRE scenario. Be thoroughly lawyered up well in advance, because the leftists will take this one all the way to the Supreme Court. I hope.
what law are you retards going to go break?

You want to bring guns to a Freakings school becuse of health care? . Put the guns away you mindless idiots. We are talking about making evryone able to have health care and make it cost less...and you think its time to bring out the guns..Maybe thats what its going to take for the nuts on the right, for some dumb ass guys with guns to show up, and have it get out of hand, and end up in a shooting.

Its good to know if the right cant win with ideas and will just try theats and guns
Sounds like a good setup for an acto of Civili Disobedience. You know, when the govt passes a law that is either inappropriate or (in this case) unconstitutional, you inform the police (and the press) that you intend to violate that law at exactly 1:00 PM next Tuesday at such-and-such a location, and that you will not be harming anyone, threatening anyone, or unduly worrying anyone by your actions. You go there at the appointed time, do your thing while the cameras roll, the cop comes up and informs you that you are violating the XXX law and would you please cease and desist, you state that you are completely within your rights and are doing no harm, and you will courteously decline to stop, the cop slips the cuffs on (cameras still rolling) and takes you to jail.
So are you somehow justifying carrying guns to town hall meetings?

They'd just better be ready to play out the ENTIRE scenario. Be thoroughly lawyered up well in advance, because the leftists will take this one all the way to the Supreme Court. I hope.
I am going to assume that you think passing laws carrying guns @ schools is somehow unconstitutional. Do you think there is anyplace where guns should not be apart of the dress code?
I thought this one was interesting. The Jr. Senator for Alaska Mark Begich is holding another health care town hall meeting in Anchorage. Local police had to send out a press release to let everyone know that bringing guns to the meeting will result in arrest and misdemeanor charges because the event is located in a high school.
This stems after someone on a local radio show had someone on it encouraging people to come to the meeting packing heat as a show of exercising thier second amendment rights.

Also, as a result of past bad behavior, no signs, food or drinks will be allowed in the meeting. What a shame that the very important health care issue has deteriorated to this point in America.
Like they say....“....that’s just Alaska.”
Its good to know if the right cant win with ideas and will just try threats and guns.
Ya' just figured-that-out, huh?
