

I personally do not back the current conservative ideology in the white house which is neo conservatism. And I never said I didn't believe there was going to be an insurgency and I think the insurgency was formed more greatly for other two reasons you failed to mention. I still believe Liberals do not understand conservatism but conservatives understand liberalism. It's almost like the battle between good and evil unless you're a neocon which is not conservatism. It's really the Democrats' old ideology repackaged. Paleoconservatism, the real conservative ideology which I follow is currently in the back seat of mainstream politics, a fact I'm not very happy with and am concearned about.
Wasn't it liberals who believe that drug dealers, etc are victims and have instituted a revolving door policy with regard to enforcing the law with them rather than putting them away at hard time for a very long time for violating the law?

Haven't liberals established "understanding" policies towards gang members that have resulted in arresting and subsequently freeing them over and over rather than simply locking them away for a very long time?

It seems that by your own arguments, if one isn't a victim of his or her own choices and actions, then one is likely a victim of liberal policy if one is poor in this country.

A worker is only worth what s/he can produce per hour and your salary isn't the only expense associated with hiring you and if you think it is, you really don't know much about business.

A. Do you think I'm retarded? The point is that if the business is at its worst hours making $200 an hour, and paying 5 employees. Between associates, supervisors, and managers the pay averages to about $10/hr. That's $50/hr in wages. Leaving $150/hr to pay for electricity, maitenance (which is mostly done by the employees on the clock anyway), this at minimum profit hours [at peak hours the place probably makes at least 20 times that, that's $3000/hr while paying $140/hr in wages, leaving $2860/hr for electricity, maitenance, and all other expenses]. My point is that increasing wages by as much as 20% would have almost 0 effect on the employer while making a significant difference in the lives of the employees.

B. Wasn't it conservatives who made forgiving policies so that sleaze bags like Ex-Governor Roland who cheated the citizens of connecticut out of millions of dollars only got sentenced to 1 year in prison. How about all the political dirt-bags who embezzle American dollars (an offense tantamount to treason in my mind) and then get a second chance. Our system is designed to give people a second chance. That is why second time offenses are treated so much more seriously. I stand by a system where we give people the chance to fix their lives as opposed to locking them away for their whole lives based on one stupid decision that based on their surroundings seemed like a necessary decision.
MOST Iraqis love Americans and love the troops. We liberated them from an oppressive dictator. You're allowing the violent 15 or so percent to speak for the overwhelming majorirty, and that's intellectually dishonest.

Sublime is intellectually dishonest. The left is anti-principle which dictates they must be dishonest. They use reason over rationale. Sublime is more than not dishonest and manipulative. He must attack what is right to then hopefully help the installation of a new system that people are manipulated to believe is right. The sad part is at this late in the game, Sublime denies such a system is only destined to fail which people predicted more than a hundred years ago and is happening now.
In Defense of Conservatism

In Defense of the practices of our ancestors, of the the undeniable and inescapable nature of Conservatism I will post the real truth of Conservatism which is based on Rationale and not dishonest Reason by Atheist hecklers like Sublime.

These are basic understandings of Conservatives to one degree or another

(1) Belief in a transcendent order, or body of natural law, which rules society as well as conscience. Political problems, at bottom, are religious and moral problems. A narrow rationality, whatColeridge called the understanding, cannot of itself satisfy human needs. "Every Tory is a realist," says Keither Feiling: says Keith Feiling: "he knows that there are great forces in heaven and earth that man's philosophy cannot plumb or fathom." True politics is the art of apprehending and applying the jusitce which ought to prevail in a community of souls.
(2) Affection for the proliferating variety and mystery of human existence, as opposed to the narrowing uniformity, egalitraianism, and utilitarian aims of most radical systems; conservatives resist what Robert Graves calls "Logicalism" in society. This prejudice has been called "the conservatism of enjoyment"- a sense that life is worth living, according to Walter Bagehot "the proper source of an animated Conservatism."
(3) Conviction that civilized society requires orders and classes, as against the notion of a "Classless society." With reason, conservatives often have been called "the party of order". If natural distinctions are effeced among men, oligarchs fill the vaccum. Ultimate equality in the judgement of God, and equality before courts or law, are recognized by conservatives, but equality of condition, they think, means equality in servitude and boredom.
(4) Persuasion that freedom and property are closely linked: separate property from private possession, and leviathan becomes master of all. Economic levelling, they maintain, is not economic progress.
(5) Faith in prescription and distrust of "Sophisters, calculators, economists and theologists" who would reconstruct society upon abstract designs. Custom, convention, and old prescription are checks both upon man's anarchic impulse and upon the innovator's lust for power.
(6) Recognition that change may not be salutary reform: hasty innovation may be a devouring conflagration, rather than a torch of progress. Society must alter, for prudent change is the means of social preservation; but a statesman must take Providence into his calculations, and a statesman's chief virtue, according to Plato and Burke is prudence.

These are the basic Assertions of Radicalism and are the foundations for their attack (which this post by Sublime as most of the rest of his certainly are) to the prescriptive arrangement of society:

(1)The Perfectability of man and the illimitable progress of society: meliorism. Radicals believe that education, positive legislation, and alteration of environment can produce men like gods; they deny that humanity has a natural proclivity toward violence and sin.
(2) Contempt for tradition. Reason, impulse, and materialistic determinism are severally preferred as guides to social welfare, trustier than the wisdom of our ancestors. Formal religion is rejected and variousl ideologies are presented as substitutes.
(3) Political levelling. Order and priviliege are condemened; total democracy, as direct as practicable, is the professed radical ideal. Allied with this spirit, generally, is a dislike of old parliamentary arrangements and an eagerness for centralization and consolidation.
(4) Economic levelling . The ancient rights of property, especially property in land, are suspect to almost all radicals; and collectivistic reformers hack at the institution of private property root and branch.
(5) Radicals unite in detesting Burke's description of the state as ordained of God, and his concept of society as joined in perpetuity by a moral bond among the dead, the living, and those yet to be born- the community of souls.