Coke racist ad or not?

Colbert and Stewart are conservatives, the Coke ad was racist, the Bush Administration was behind t he attack of 9/11, Only conservatives have a sense of humor, only liberals have a sense of humor, the moon is made of green cheese, Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Pat Robertson is perfectly sane, and the government is here to help you.

Of course. You do believe all of that , don't you?

If Stewart is an conservative how come he asked softball questions to Bill Clinton? But 5 days latter on Fox News Chris Wallace kicks the crap outta him on why he didnt get Bin Laden?

These are softball question PBS asked him before he went over to fox news
Do you know of a conservative comedy show that is funny to conservatives that is similar in style to Stewart or Colbert?

Dennis Miller but he hasnt had a show of his own for years now.
Colbert is not conservative and his schitck is to make conservatives look foolish.
If Stewart is an conservative how come he asked softball questions to Bill Clinton? But 5 days latter on Fox News Chris Wallace kicks the crap outta him on why he didnt get Bin Laden?

These are softball question PBS asked him before he went over to fox news
Good job!

Now prove that the Moon isn't made of green cheese.
This is Racist