Christian nationalism.

Some of Harris' Jamaican relatives were slaves, others owned slaves. So what?

Why do you want to call people disqualified because of what their ancestors did?

Do you think people choose their ancestors?
Some of Harris' Jamaican relatives were slaves, others owned slaves. So what?

Why do you want to call people disqualified because of what their ancestors did?

Do you think people choose their ancestors?
Did any of Obama's slave owning ancestors own some of Kamala's ancestor slaves?
Did any of Obama's slave owning ancestors own some of Kamala's ancestor slaves?
Unlikely, as Jamaica did not export slaves to the US. The US outlawed the importation of slaves in 1808. Slavery was abolished in Jamaica in 1833.

Not that that has anything to do with either of them.
That seems to be the stupid foolishness that drives the wasteful spending of most big porkulus politicians in DC.
The US has wasted far more on useless wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan than on providing benefits for its citizens.
Of course, military arms manufacturing is a highly profitable jobs program in the US. We are presently sending arms to support wars in Israel and Ukraine.