Christian nationalism.

So it is a FACT that it is somehow just for "God" to punish people's descendants for the deeds of an ancestor?

How should God punish you for your great great great grandfather raping and beating his slaves, Mark?
My ancestors did not own slaves but Obama's did. When you talk of horrific violations of human rights you speak of your own, not Christians.
What sense does it make to pay dark-skinned people billions of scarce Treasury dollars because some mobs of greedy racists falsely claim past US slavery entitles them to the unreasonable, undeserved and unearned fat government payouts?
I never said it made sense nor have I supported it.
You're the one raving on about it as if the reparations are a budget bleeding money supply.
I never said it made sense nor have I supported it.
You're the one raving on about it as if the reparations are a budget bleeding money supply.
Since economists warn us that social security is going bankrupt we should never even consider the possibility of bankrupting our economy because of wasteful spending on foolishness like reparations, global warming, and full government paid from the cradle to the grave living costs for illegal immigrants.
Obama did not support nor condemn reparations as far as I know. I'm sure he understood how stupid the proposals were and so steered clear of becoming involved.
Most politicians know that it is unwise to advocate positions that are deemed impossible because of public sentiment.
Lincoln wanted to divide up plantations in the South and to give each family of ex slaves 40 acres and a mule.
Had Lincoln not been assassinated by Booth, he would likely have managed to do this, but his VP Johnson refused to cooperate with Lincoln's plan for reconstruction.

There was not a lot of protesting when George H. W. Bush presented the Japanese Americans who had been interned in camps during WWII with $20,000 and an apology as I recall.
Since economists warn us that social security is going bankrupt we should never even consider the possibility of bankrupting our economy because of wasteful spending on foolishness like reparations, global warming, and full government paid from the cradle to the grave living costs for illegal immigrants.
Going broke my arse.
USA will never go broke nor ever pay the debt back.
This is a very prosperous country and can easily see to it that all its citizens have access to education through university, universal medicare and childcare for all. What needs to happen is that the wealthiest citizens need to pay for the stability and regulations that guarantee fairness.