Christian nationalism.

That could be so but it's still a fact and you're one of them.
As Hitchens said, religion poisons everything.
Poor deluded Hitchens. He found out how horribly he was wrong in his deluded assumptions about God. What can we say about the poor fellow? They often die young.

Psalm 55:23
But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.
Poor deluded Hitchens. He found out how horribly he was wrong in his deluded assumptions about God. What can we say about the poor fellow? They often die young.
What did he find out?
I know exactly where he is and can prove it.
Psalm 55:23
But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.
We won't know exactly what Hitchens said when he encountered God for the first time but I imagine it was not much.
I do know what he said. Nothing, because not only did he not meet any god, neither has anyone who ever lived. You won't be meeting it either.

No one goes anywhere. Either buried or burnt. It's a total myth perpetuated by religion to frighten little kids.

In fact, Hitchens body was given to science and remains in some place in Washington. It has been dissected with a special focus on his brain.
They had been offered many cadavers from religious people but were refused. They wanted those which had been used.
I do know what he said. Nothing, because not only did he not meet any god, neither has anyone who ever lived. You won't be meeting it either.

No one goes anywhere. Either buried or burnt. It's a total myth perpetuated by religion to frighten little kids.

In fact, Hitchens body was given to science and remains in some place in Washington. It has been dissected with a special focus on his brain.
They had been offered many cadavers from religious people but were refused. They wanted those which had been used.
Your delusions are not backed by facts or evidence.
Your opinionated rantings cannot be proven with facts and evidence.
What is not proven is god.
You're the godbotherer, you prove it.
You have no evidence the same as the "no evidence" atheists say yet you believe some big sky daddy lives in the sky.
You've certainly got your shit together.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
What is not proven is god.
You're the godbotherer, you prove it.
You have no evidence the same as the "no evidence" atheists say yet you believe some big sky daddy lives in the sky.
You've certainly got your shit together.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Dismissing facts and evidence does not debunk the evidence and does not make facts disappear.
So it is a FACT that it is somehow just for "God" to punish people's descendants for the deeds of an ancestor?

How should God punish you for your great great great grandfather raping and beating his slaves, Mark?