China Assured Donald Trump Was An Anti-American Aberration

Democrats laid a trap for Trump with their fake Russian collusion conspiracy theory but they failed to nail him on that. They have been laying traps for Trump for years and keep failing to convince the American people that Democrats are good and Trump is bad in these expensive efforts to prosecute and condemn. With a clever twist of US law they hope to nail Trump this time for keeping documents that no other president, vice president, or secretary of state has ever been indicting for keeping in US history.
No other president obstructed their return ***** duh
God you are stupid lol
Democrats laid a trap for Trump with their fake Russian collusion conspiracy theory but they failed to nail him on that. They have been laying traps for Trump for years and keep failing to convince the American people that Democrats are good and Trump is bad in these expensive efforts to prosecute and condemn. With a clever twist of US law they hope to nail Trump this time for keeping documents that no other president, vice president, or secretary of state has ever been indicting for keeping in US history.
No clever twist required
He refused to return them which is clearly illegal duh
No other president obstructed their return ***** duh
God you are stupid lol
Trump did not obstruct anything, but other officials may have. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton refused to return documents he kept and a Democrtat judge ruled he could do that since he had been president when he took them.
No clever twist required
He refused to return them which is clearly illegal duh
Wrong. trump was working with archive officials when Biden's justice department busted in to raid his home, dishonestly claiming he had not been cooperating. A Democrat judge culed that presidents can keep documents they took with them when they left office.
Trump did not obstruct anything, but other officials may have. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton refused to return documents he kept and a Democrtat judge ruled he could do that since he had been president when he took them.

yes, he is charged with obstruction. he was charged because they needed a search warrant to get them after a YEAR of trying to get them back. lol.

god you're stupid. lol

and no, clinton didn't have to return those documents because they were ruled to be PERSONAL ones, *****.
trump's were NOT. duh
god you're stupid lol
Wrong. trump was working with archive officials when Biden's justice department busted in to raid his home, dishonestly claiming he had not been cooperating. A Democrat judge culed that presidents can keep documents they took with them when they left office.

no, he was NOT "working with them" *****. he was OBSTRUCTING them.
which is why he was charged with obstruction. duh

and no, that judge did not rule presidents can keep PRESIDENTIAL records, *****. just PERSONAL ones. duh

god you're stupid lol
yes, he is charged with obstruction. he was charged because they needed a search warrant to get them after a YEAR of trying to get them back. lol.
You claim was refusing to cooperate with NARA about specific records the wanted back. That is false. Trump was cooperating with all agencies and the NARA had no idea what documents Trump had. which was why the Garland search warrant did not include the required documents the search warrant was supposed to itemize.
no, he was NOT "working with them" *****. he was OBSTRUCTING them.
That is a lie.
which is why he was charged with obstruction. duh

and no, that judge did not rule presidents can keep PRESIDENTIAL records, *****. just PERSONAL ones. duh

god you're stupid lol
The court ruling specified that the President could decide which records he could keep, not some clerk at the records branch.
4a492b5c-f55f-4543-8c98-6c0dc3a1d96b[1].webpTrump did not obstruct anything, but other officials may have. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton refused to return documents he kept and a Democrtat judge ruled he could do that since he had been president when he took them.
4a492b5c-f55f-4543-8c98-6c0dc3a1d96b[1].webpWrong. trump was working with archive officials when Biden's justice department busted in to raid his home, dishonestly claiming he had not been cooperating. A Democrat judge culed that presidents can keep documents they took with them when they left office.

You've got a great imagination.
You should try writing children's know, if you could avoid the (obvious) pornography.
You claim was refusing to cooperate with NARA about specific records the wanted back. That is false. Trump was cooperating with all agencies and the NARA had no idea what documents Trump had. which was why the Garland search warrant did not include the required documents the search warrant was supposed to itemize.
Nope lol
Which is why he was indicted *****
You claim was refusing to cooperate with NARA about specific records the wanted back. That is false. Trump was cooperating with all agencies and the NARA had no idea what documents Trump had. which was why the Garland search warrant did not include the required documents the search warrant was supposed to itemize.
Former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore, who worked on the classified documents case before leaving the former President’s legal team in recent weeks, mischaracterized the Presidential Records Act repeatedly during TV appearances this week, including on CNN Thursday night.

Parlatore said that a President “is supposed to take the next two years after they leave office to go through all these documents to figure out what’s personal and what’s presidential.”

In its statement Friday, the National Archives flatly disputed that claim, stating, “There is no history, practice, or provision in law for presidents to take official records with them when they leave office to sort through, such as for a two-year period as described in some reports.”

Asked about Parlatore’s comments that presidents have two years to go through their records after leaving office, Jason R. Baron, former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration, told CNN, “The statement is false.”

NARA doesn't agree with you. You don't cooperate by lying ***** duh
Which is why he got indicted duh
Nope lol
Which is why he was indicted *****
No. Trump had been cooperating with NARA for months before the FBI opened an investigation without warning on March 30, 2022, just weeks after Trump filed a lawsuit against Hillary for her part in the failed and false Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy theory for which Trump still had government documents proving her guilt. The raid was not to get documents NARA had already asked for but to get any and all documents that Trump could use against Hillary in his lawsuit against her.
Former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore, who worked on the classified documents case before leaving the former President’s legal team in recent weeks, mischaracterized the Presidential Records Act repeatedly during TV appearances this week, including on CNN Thursday night.

Parlatore said that a President “is supposed to take the next two years after they leave office to go through all these documents to figure out what’s personal and what’s presidential.”

In its statement Friday, the National Archives flatly disputed that claim, stating, “There is no history, practice, or provision in law for presidents to take official records with them when they leave office to sort through, such as for a two-year period as described in some reports.”

Asked about Parlatore’s comments that presidents have two years to go through their records after leaving office, Jason R. Baron, former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration, told CNN, “The statement is false.”

NARA doesn't agree with you. You don't cooperate by lying ***** duh
Which is why he got indicted duh
The opinions of bystanders lose all value when compared to court rulings. NARA had no right to tell Trump what records he could keep or not keep, according to Judge Amy Jackson.

“NARA does not have the authority to designate materials as ‘Presidential records,’” Judge Jackson wrote in 2012. “NARA does not have the tapes in question, and NARA lacks any right, duty, or means to seize control of them.”