China Assured Donald Trump Was An Anti-American Aberration

omg-glasses[1].gifChina had no use for Trump but Biden has become a treasure to China for his willingness to advocate for policies favorable to China in exchange for a few tens of millions of dollars in secret contributions to him and his extended family members under the table.

STILL no proof!!!!
Biden will never be able to prove he did not take cash from China for favors.

China had no use for Trump but Biden has become a treasure to China for his willingness to advocate for policies favorable to China in exchange for a few tens of millions of dollars in secret contributions to him and his extended family members under the table.

list the secret contributions of tens of millions of dollars and the china policies that joe did in exchange for them.

you won't of course because you are a lying fake christian
list the secret contributions of tens of millions of dollars and the china policies that joe did in exchange for them.

you won't of course because you are a lying fake christian
Pretending ignorance of the well-publicized clamor over the Biden crime family's tens of millions of dollars 'gifts' from shady foreigners just makes you look ignorant.
Pretending ignorance of the well-publicized clamor over the Biden crime family's tens of millions of dollars 'gifts' from shady foreigners just makes you look ignorant.

claiming something astonishing with zero proof just continues to confirm you are a *****.
China had no use for Trump but Biden has become a treasure to China for his willingness to advocate for policies favorable to China in exchange for a few tens of millions of dollars in secret contributions to him and his extended family members under the table.
Let's not talk about the proven gift of 2 billion to Jarrod's ' investment fund" but rattle on about money to Biden's you have no evidence for. Nutter.
Let's not talk about the proven gift of 2 billion to Jarrod's ' investment fund" but rattle on about money to Biden's you have no evidence for. Nutter.
Rubes who know nothing about financing and financial crimes cannot tell the difference between legitimate and criminal transactions. If Jared had broken the law, he would have been arrested by the Democrat FBI long ago. The fact that the Bidens have not been forced to submit to sworn statements about their shady deals proves the FBI is not interested in justice so much as it is interested in preserving Democrats and the Democrat party that hired them and can fire them.
Rubes who know nothing about financing and financial crimes cannot tell the difference between legitimate and criminal transactions.
And your an expert on that because it makes your dodgy Jarrod look like a con man.

If Jared had broken the law, he would have been arrested by the Democrat FBI long ago. The fact that the Bidens have not been forced to submit to sworn statements about their shady deals.
Maybe it's because you know nothing about finance and financial crimes. Unquote
proves the FBI is not interested in justice so much as it is interested in preserving Democrats and the Democrat party that hired them and can fire them.
Thats the same FBI that worked under Trump.
You've got some paranoia issues.
And your an expert on that because it makes your dodgy Jarrod look like a con man.

Maybe it's because you know nothing about finance and financial crimes. Unquote

Thats the same FBI that worked under Trump.
You've got some paranoia issues.
The corrupt FBI officials under Obama tried to frame Trump for a crime that nobody committed and the Obamanite FBI officials lied to a FISA court so they could spy on Trump like a bunch of desperate Watergate burglars, and those same Obamanite FBI officials and their associates are still trying to falsely frame Trump for a crime he did not commit but that Joe Biden and Hillary did commit.
The corrupt FBI officials under Obama tried to frame Trump for a crime that nobody committed and the Obamanite FBI officials lied to a FISA court so they could spy on Trump like a bunch of desperate Watergate burglars, and those same Obamanite FBI officials and their associates are still trying to falsely frame Trump for a crime he did not commit but that Joe Biden and Hillary did commit.
They are not trying. They have the idiot on toast by his own admission.
Try to keep up.
They are not trying. They have the idiot on toast by his own admission.
Try to keep up.
Democrats laid a trap for Trump with their fake Russian collusion conspiracy theory but they failed to nail him on that. They have been laying traps for Trump for years and keep failing to convince the American people that Democrats are good and Trump is bad in these expensive efforts to prosecute and condemn. With a clever twist of US law they hope to nail Trump this time for keeping documents that no other president, vice president, or secretary of state has ever been indicting for keeping in US history.