Charlie Kirk's Best Argument For President Trump's Re-Election (6:14)

We now know from polls over the last 2 years that few people in this country like Joe Biden. Half of democrats do not want Joe to run again. You have to go back to 1968 to find a candidate so disliked by his own party. That of course was LBJ.

Trump could not beat Joe Biden a brain dead *****!!
Trump could have beaten the cheaters if he knew before hand how and where they were going to cheat and rig the vote.

If you are able to overcome, overwhelm or negate the election laws and practices or compromise the integrity of election officials and officers of the court or law enforcement, you can beat anyone at the polls.

But you really didnt beat them you cheated them.

You take advantage of people's trust.

If you're going to cheat, you can only plan on doing it once.

Once people know you're dishonest, they will be more diligent and be less likely to ever trust you again.
Trump could have beaten the cheaters if he knew before hand how and where they were going to cheat and rig the vote.

If you are unable to negate unfair election practices by election offucials and officers of the court or law enforcement, anyone can be beaten at the polls.

You only have to take advantage of people's trust.

If you're going to cheat, you can only plan on doing it once.

Once people know you're dishonest, they will be more diligent and be less likely to ever trust you again.

all you morons need is to prove this "cheating" lol.
Wasn't Trump part of the Covid problem? He shut our country down for 2 months and bashed Sweden for not shutting down. Has Trump ever been or ever will be anti vax? He rushed them out. He gave Biden and the democrats a tool for authoritarianism. If in the end we determine through proper studies that vaccines were not that helpful and dangerous to some doesn't he get some blame?
Let's talk about some of the most retarded political moves ever. Madison Cawthorne and Hershel Walker!

Mark Meadows leaves his congressional seat to become chief of staff for Trump. Meadows pushes some dumb kid with no qualifications and no moral compass to take that seat for him. Cawthorne was young(25) has movie star good looks and is crippled. Did I forget to mention he was crippled?
Other than that no qualifications! None! No job, no college and no accomplishments. A solid record of lying and inappropriate contact with women. He flunked out of his only semester of college and had complaints of inappropriate touching and inappropriate behavior from girls there.

Cawthorne did not hurt republicans because he lost in the primary of that solidly red district but never belonged on a ballot. I believe he was elected in the first place because 50% of his voters really thought he was crippled in a war. Trump endorsed Cawthorne in the May primary and he lost!

Then there is Hershel. Dumb, inexperienced and with a huge amount of baggage. How did Doctor Oz do? He lost to a brain dead zombie.
all you morons need is to prove this "cheating" lol.
Democrats know they can program the voting machines to crank out wins for democrats and then refuse to allow investigators they don't approve of to examine the machines afterward.

Officials Give Update After Uncounted Votes on Memory Card Flip Georgia Election (

Ballots are stored on portable shelving at a Cobb County Election facility as officials handle ballots during an audit, in Marietta, Ga., on Nov. 16, 2020. (Mike Stewart/AP Photo)


Officials Give Update After Uncounted Votes on Memory Card Flip Georgia Election

By Jack Phillips

November 23, 2022 Updated: November 23, 2022

Authorities in Cobb County, Georgia, provided an update on a city council race after it was flipped following the discovery of an overlooked memory card with uncounted ballots.

Cobb County Communications Director Ross Cavitt confirmed to the Cobb Courier on Tuesday that after a recount, candidate Lynette Burnette won the special election for Kennesaw City Council Post 1.

Days before that, officials certified her opponent, Madelyn Orochena, the winner. However, it was discovered that employees did not upload a memory card from a precinct that had nearly 800 ballots, which ultimately gave Burnette the lead.

“The recertification was necessary after workers discovered a memory card had not been included in the previous results. The additional ballots resulted in a change in the Kennesaw City Council Post 1 Special Election,” a Cobb County news release said.

A recount of the race was conducted starting Nov. 20, a release said.

“I have been tracking city elections since 1972. Fifty years. I have never, never seen anything like this,” Councilman Pat Ferris told the Cobb County Courier about the final result.

Another official, Cobb County Director of Elections Janine Eveler, told the paper that the memory card never went missing and was returned on the night of Nov. 8. An employee did not follow rules, she said.