He never said he would cut and run from Afghanistan, he said that is where he thought we should be and he escalated things there just as he said he would. so there is nothing to be surprised about, but all my obama supporting friends are all mad about it and I dont get why, its a promise he made and kept.
He said he would close gitmo but I knew he could not and I knew the left would not hold him to it and he did not and they are not, i also knew he couldn't get us out of Iraq as fast as he kept saying he would and he did not and I knew the left would not hold him to it and they are not.
I knew he would do nothing about Iran and north korea and he is not
I knew he would make race relations worse and he has, I knew he would make President Bush's spending look like childs play and he did and I knew the left would say nothing about it and they dont
Everything he is doing with healthcare, taxing but giving nothing for it, I knew he would do that too and his energy policy of taxing us more and pushing tax and cap. I knew he would try for that.
You turned out to be a pretty good prognosticator of political events.
It was never Obama who promised to cut and run, but his opponents who said he would do so. Now some of his ardent supporters seem disappointed that he didn't, and his opponents are trying to pretend that they never said he would.
I think he was sincere about closing Gitmo, but, some things are possible and some are not.
I'm not sure what he could do about Iran and NK, but no, no action there either.
Race relations? How has his presidency worsened race relations?