LMAOJust those who have already demonstrated a willingness to do it.
Your preferred legal system, that which adheres to the principle of 'an eye for an eye', has been abandoned ages ago, fyi.
Maybe you should have that discussion with the family and friends of those who have lost someone to a killer that escaped or was released only to kill again. I am sure that they could point out the error of your thinking better than I since they have experienced, first hand, the terrible flaw in thinking that because you have a killer locked up that he or she no longer represents a danger to society.
Are you making an emotional appeal in a debate on law?
You are hoplessly lost, if you are.
Are you saying that the prisoners who were in prison for non capital offenses that have been killed by killers didn't have any right to live?
So, what's wrong with segregating murderers and rapists from the rest of the other convicts, hmmm?
How about the guards? Do you think that they signed up to be just another victim of a killer who should have been executed in the first place?
Uhmm, the guards exercised their freedom to choose this profession. They are trained and equipped for it.
What's your point, hmmm?
And can you promise with any credibility at all that the murderer will remain in his cell and thus not represent a threat to either those who are in prison for lesser crimes, his jailers or the society outside prison? The answer is no. The only way to assure that a killer doesn't do it again is to put him to death.
You sound like a utopian more than the classical liberal you claim to be.
The thing is, a more humane society is better achieved without capital punishment.
Nah, I am a bright guy. I need very little explanation. Spinning is the chore. It takes effort to distort the truth and have it appear to still be truth.
I wouldn't call someone who is incapable of learning, or even admit his error, bright.
Your self-defense argument has simply failed. Without it, your argument has no legs to stand on.
Show me a legal system or system of goverment that isn't inherently flawed.
There are flaws in form and there are flaws in substance.
When a legal system is demonstrated to contradict the very principles for which the state was constituted, such a flaw is an ERROR OF SUBSTANCE that no legal form can correct.
Since all systems are flawed, I would prefer to err on the side of common sense rather than sacrifice people who don't deserve to die to the inherent flaw in your logic.
When the FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO LIVE is at stake, I do not think 'common sense' is a sufficient justification -- especially a common sense that is as prone to error as yours.
When a dog bites, you put him down whether you like it or not because from that moment on, he represents an immenent danger to you and everyone he may ever come into contact with and if you don't, then you are responsible for his actions from that moment on.
Are you suggesting that convicts are dogs?
I'm embarassed, but only for you. Arguing that it is best to keep killers locked up forever at the expense of a society that they have nothing but loathing for.
'Expense' and 'loathing' are words that are not applicable in dispensing justice. Notice that a judge is not an elective post -- the logic being that in the dispensation of justice, a judge should not be beholden to an emotional constituency.
You have presented nothing in this argument but emotional appeals -- the same emotional appeals you have dismissed in the abortion thread.