Calling someone a spoiler is really anti-democratic.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
If you have a “spoiler” for your campaign then it is up to you the candidate to give those people what they want so they don’t go elsewhere. Muslims want you to stop killing their families, Kamala. It’s not a big ask morally and even politically I believe. Most democrats want a ceasefire even if they don’t want to admit it publicly because they’re afraid it’ll hurt Kamala. So you shouldn’t insult their intelligence or condescend or gaslight people voting green. You should do and say things that make them come back to you. Not order them to fall in line. And I might still vote for Kamala. But shit like this definitely steers me away from wanting to. Someone like Angela Rye needs to shut the fuck up. She is a hardcore DNC loyalist. Not a liberal. She has more in common with Hillary Clinton than AOC. Even though AOC is also being a sellout bitch at the moment.