Your response to my question to Mare about where he draws the line on prejudice.
Now, think of this: homosexuality was illegal also until relatively recently and involves unnatural sexual acts as well, and it's illicit implied underground is the attempt to increase its prevalance in society via the stamp of legitimacy of "marriage"...thus appealing to our youth as "normal" and something to be aspired to.
Just a longer-reaching and better-veiled arm of inappropriate sexual contact of minors.
So when Mare lashes out at NAMBLA for their "nut-barism" I nearly have to bite the end of my tongue to keep from laughing at the irony..
I'm sorry but you seriously don't have a clue what you're talking about.
The Blue Laws were all repealed years & years ago. They were repealed because they were deemed as wrong.
Your pushing a theory as ridiculous as... Hey slavery used to be legal. So obviously those in agreement with interracial marriage are just out to try and hurt "somebody" by trying to set interracial marriage up as a norm.
Furthermore you're constant homophobic attempts to draw some connection between homosexuality and child sexual abuse is totally without merit. I've already posted report & study after report & study that clearly show no, zero, notta connection.