Bush Rejected by Saudi's

Here We Go

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
So the Saudi's tell ol' George "up yours". There he is hugging up to their table-cloth attire, patting them on the back and begging for more oil. They said "no". Does that not tell us they hope we all turn into pedestrians? That's their plan you see. They don't have to go to war with us military-wise. They can just bankrupt America. Japan could not beat us military-wise so they just bought most of America. So here we are looking at higher gas prices, higher food prices and NOW . . . they went up on our postage stamps! For a moment I fell in the floor laughing hysterically and then sat up seriously exclaiming "What a mess"!
I have long wondered why some people in this country think the Sauds are our allies. Terror sponsors against our friends the Israeli's, thier own citizens hijacked planes, killed innocents and destroyed American landmarks. They havent been of assistance with our efforts in Iraq or Afghanistan. They dont share the same democatic and human rights values we do.
To the Sauds I say up yours! Arabia should have been the focus of our military all along.
Let's see how they fare when we pull our military forces (5000 troops, aircraft, etc.) out of Saudi Arabia this summer. The entire Middle East hates them, and they aren't exactly a capable military force themselves. Osama has doomed his own people to death. I like it.
So the Saudi's tell ol' George "up yours". There he is hugging up to their table-cloth attire, patting them on the back and begging for more oil. They said "no". Does that not tell us they hope we all turn into pedestrians? That's their plan you see. They don't have to go to war with us military-wise. They can just bankrupt America. Japan could not beat us military-wise so they just bought most of America. So here we are looking at higher gas prices, higher food prices and NOW . . . they went up on our postage stamps! For a moment I fell in the floor laughing hysterically and then sat up seriously exclaiming "What a mess"!

Oh garsh - this Obamoonie "talk to them" crap works great, doesn't it? Meanwhile, the gene-missing libs in this country blame everything on the oil companies, when the root of the problem is the oil cartel which has looted trillions of dollars from the west.
Oh garsh - this Obamoonie "talk to them" crap works great, doesn't it? Meanwhile, the gene-missing libs in this country blame everything on the oil companies, when the root of the problem is the oil cartel which has looted trillions of dollars from the west.

No, the problem is that we have a war monger in the White House who cant run a second rate oil company, much less run a damn war, not to mention a country. Its been the right and thier oil companies that have been in bed so long with the Sauds and other middle eastern despot countries that they cant even get a reach around anymore while they are taking you know where.
Your Bushbuddy crap of talking to them hasnt worked a bit. We have pumped trillions of dollars thier way, why would they care what we want. They already have our cash, now they own us on credit.
We have spent a half a trillion dollars to secure strategic resources in Iraq and look what we have now under the neo-con disaster. Shameful.
No, the problem is that we have a war monger in the White House who cant run a second rate oil company, much less run a damn war, not to mention a country.


Its been the right and thier oil companies that have been in bed so long with the Sauds and other middle eastern despot countries that they cant even get a reach around anymore while they are taking you know where.

Wooooooooo - nice evasion of the root cause issue. :) Ever think of working for Obama?
Actually, we have been sitting on about $12 billion in seized Iranian assets since the hostage crisis. Do you really think that Bush orchestrated this entire Middle East situation by himself, and that Britain didn't have a lot to do with it? England has been telling us when to wipe our ass since WWII. Do you think that American politics is totally dictacted by AMERICANS?
......There he is hugging up to their table-cloth attire, patting them on the back and begging for more oil. They said "no". Does that not tell us they hope we all turn into pedestrians?

No. It probably tells you that under the terms of their OPEC agreements they are probably not allowed to increase their production without the ratification from the other member states.

The Saudis went out a limb for the US in both Gulf wars! Do you know how much of a problem it was for them to have US troops sited on Saudi soil (so to speak). If the Saudis had not approved of the assurances given by Scharwzkopf and Powell during the first Gulf War about the conduct of the war and of the troops stationed on Saudi the war would not have been fought.

......Terror sponsors against our friends the Israeli's, thier own citizens hijacked planes, killed innocents and destroyed American landmarks. They havent been of assistance with our efforts in Iraq or Afghanistan.

:rolleyes: This is the problem. The common perception is that because Bin Laden is a Saudi and Bin Laden is a terrorist and attacked the US all Saudis are terrorists and hate the us. My dog has 4 legs....my cat has 4 legs ergo my cats is a dog!! It is exactly because the Saudis let the US station more 700,000 troop on its' land and purchased upwards of USD50 Billion in arms and ammunition that Bin Laden got pissed - he saw this as a desecration of Saudi Arabia which holds some the holiest sites of Islamic faith.

If the Saudis had not been your freinds and told you to take your army and your guns and ammunition and shove them up your collective arseholes then you would not have heard of Osama Bin Laden more than likely the Twin Towers would still smarten the Manhattan skylane and you would have been looking for other supplies of oil from places other than Saudi Arabia!!

There's more to the world than the US guys :D

...... England has been telling us when to wipe our ass since WWII.

Indeed, you've needed a helping hand with diplomacy from time to time and we've always been more than happy to assist you. :D
No. It probably tells you that under the terms of their OPEC agreements they are probably not allowed to increase their production without the ratification from the other member states.

Correct, but it's no big deal for them to call an OPEC meeting.

The Saudis went out a limb for the US in both Gulf wars! Do you know how much of a problem it was for them to have US troops sited on Saudi soil (so to speak). If the Saudis had not approved of the assurances given by Scharwzkopf and Powell during the first Gulf War about the conduct of the war and of the troops stationed on Saudi the war would not have been fought.

What balderdash - if ANYONE was going out on a limb - it was the US and UK - the WHOLE IRAQI ARMY was just over their border with Kuwait and OBVIOUSLY the Saudis would have been the next victim, fulfilling Saddam's pan-arabist vision. The iraqis could and would have swallowed them in one gulp except for the US/UK forces,and you are trying to say that THEY did US a favor???!

This is the problem. The common perception is that because Bin Laden is a Saudi and Bin Laden is a terrorist and attacked the US all Saudis are terrorists and hate the us. My dog has 4 legs....my cat has 4 legs ergo my cats is a dog!! It is exactly because the Saudis let the US station more 700,000 troop on its' land and purchased upwards of USD50 Billion in arms and ammunition that Bin Laden got pissed - he saw this as a desecration of Saudi Arabia which holds some the holiest sites of Islamic faith.

That was only one reason - the arab hatred for the west including Osama's has it's roots in the emergence of israel, the Versailles conference partition of their lands, and even the Crusades, which unbelievably they still talk about.

If the Saudis had not been your freinds and told you to take your army and your guns and ammunition and shove them up your collective arseholes then you would not have heard of Osama Bin Laden more than likely the Twin Towers would still smarten the Manhattan skylane and you would have been looking for other supplies of oil from places other than Saudi Arabia!!

More utter insane nonsense. The saudis have ripped off trillions of dollars, especially from of course the US, withthe inflated prices of oil with their cartel. They fund islamofascists and wahabbist madrassas in several countries to bring up new generations of terrorist killers. Yeah, they're great "friends".

There's more to the world than the US guys :D


Indeed, you've needed a helping hand with diplomacy from time to time and we've always been more than happy to assist you. :D

Yeah, worked real good recently with convincing them to stop their nuke program.
deed, you've needed a helping hand with diplomacy from time to time and we've always been more than happy to assist you.

LOL. Can you please produce someone "straight" to help us?
More utter insane nonsense. The saudis have ripped off trillions of dollars, especially from of course the US, withthe inflated prices of oil with their cartel. They fund islamofascists and wahabbist madrassas in several countries to bring up new generations of terrorist killers. Yeah, they're great "friends".

Hi Masher - As always I find you interpretation of events really refreshing although a tad jingoistic perhaps?

Look Mate, I'm not going to go down the road of a word for word analysis as I find it intensely wearisome and its not the right forum (if you want to start a thread on the specifics of this then would galdly contribute!) I'll just make the following observations if you permit.

If as you suggest above the Saudis are such a malevolent influence against the US then why would the US want to defend them? Why not in fact impose sanctions upon them? As you suggest the sponsorship of terrorism and economic crimes they are commiting are indeed worthy of UN Sactions and their continued breach potentially worse than those of Iraq for which you went to war against! Thus why did the US not ally itself with Saddam? Afterall the US supplied arms and ammunition to Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war, why was that relationship not strengthened and nurtured; as you suggest Iraq could have swallowed Saudi whole thus an invasion of Saudi Arabia with Iraq would have been like taking candy from a baby - indeed you could have secured yourselves the world's richest oilfields which you suggest the Iraqis coverted and today the US would have no trouble with energy prices you would control them!

Interesting scenario don't you think? :D

Just one final observation you may wish to consider. The US effectively radicalised Osama Bin Laden although a Saudi citizen he went to Afghanistan and was trained to fight and became radicalised in Afghanistan. The US effectively supported and laid the ground work of what has become known knowadays as al Qaeda by virtue of their support of the radicalised Muslim groups in Afghanistan fighting against the Russians!

What goes around comes around!! ;)
Hi Masher - you may find this interesting in terms of context to what we have been discussing?

The Secretary of State,

Washington, DC, February 6, 2008.

DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing to you regarding the proposed sale of Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) to Saudi Arabia under the rubric of the Gulf Security Dialogue. Over the last year, we have consulted closely with Congress and our partners in the region on the proposed sale. This sale is important to U.S. national interests in the Gulf region. It will strengthen our relationship with Saudi Arabia and will enhance regional security and stability.

The United States has offered for sale a number of military goods to friendly governments in the region to support U.S. interests. In preparing these sales, we have worked closely with our friends in the region to ensure the proposed transfers strengthen stability and security regarding potential challenges from Iran or other threats in the region. We have consulted closely about this sale with Israel and remain committed to the preservation of Israel's qualitative military edge. I can assure you that the sale of JDAMs to Saudi Arabia will not affect Israel's qualitative military edge. The Government of Israel understands the reasons for this sale and does not object to it.

We are mindful of the sensitivity of some of the technology being transferred, and will continue to keep Congress informed on the details of this sale, particularly of any changes in the arrangements we have briefed the committee. We have had, and will continue to have, thorough discussions with the Government of Saudi Arabia regarding its obligations resulting from this sale. As a result of these discussions, we are confident that the Government of Saudi Arabia will undertake all necessary measures to secure these weapons and to assure their use only in ways which we support. In particular, the Government of Saudi Arabia will provide adequate security for the JDAMs such that these weapons will not fall into the hands of other nations or groups. Moreover, the Government of Saudi Arabia will ensure that these weapons will not be used against U.S. forces or the forces of U.S. allies.

I hope this resolves any concerns that might exist about this sale. We would be happy to discuss further with you, if you desire. We look forward to working with you to secure the advancement of U.S. interests in the Gulf region.


Condoleezza Rice.

If as you suggest above the Saudis are such a malevolent influence against the US then why would the US want to defend them? Why not in fact impose sanctions upon them? As you suggest the sponsorship of terrorism and economic crimes they are commiting are indeed worthy of UN Sactions and their continued breach potentially worse than those of Iraq for which you went to war against!

The whole world is dependent on their oil - do you REALLY think anyone is going to support sanctions? What if the saud tribe gets knocked off - then what follows? An islamofascist regime like Iran? The US could bump them off in one afternoon. But that's where the islamic holy sites are - then a billion moslems go on the warpath. They do a balancing act where they keep everyone off their back by selling oil to the "great satan", but then "make up" for it by financing the wahabbis, etc.

Thus why did the US not ally itself with Saddam? Afterall the US supplied arms and ammunition to Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war, why was that relationship not strengthened and nurtured; as you suggest Iraq could have swallowed Saudi whole thus an invasion of Saudi Arabia with Iraq would have been like taking candy from a baby - indeed you could have secured yourselves the world's richest oilfields which you suggest the Iraqis coverted and today the US would have no trouble with energy prices you would control them!

See above, and Saddam was a loose cannon who attacked three neighboring countries and certainly would have gotten nukes if he didn't already have them. Then what would he have done? He had to go.

Just one final observation you may wish to consider. The US effectively radicalised Osama Bin Laden although a Saudi citizen he went to Afghanistan and was trained to fight and became radicalised in Afghanistan. The US effectively supported and laid the ground work of what has become known knowadays as al Qaeda by virtue of their support of the radicalised Muslim groups in Afghanistan fighting against the Russians!

The intellectual roots of islamofascism preceded by decades the US arming of the Taliban, but yes - Osama was radicalized. The US armed them starting at the end of Jimmy Carter's disastrous four year administration, characterized by Carter's foreign policy of concede, withdraw, give away, abandon, betray - when he FINALLY grasped that he had single-handedly created a whole new era of expansionism by the soviet union and its proxies in south america, africa, and the middle east. I'm eternally impressed by how europeans almost never grasp the cold war, how they look at all the side effects but not the titanic struggle itself - perhaps because they were so minimally involved. Wars, especially 40 year wars, have all kinds of unpredictable consequences, but the US, excepting for 95% of the Jimmy Carter era, never lost sight of the ultimate enemy - the soviet union.
So the Saudi's tell ol' George "up yours". There he is hugging up to their table-cloth attire, patting them on the back and begging for more oil. They said "no". Does that not tell us they hope we all turn into pedestrians? That's their plan you see. They don't have to go to war with us military-wise. They can just bankrupt America. Japan could not beat us military-wise so they just bought most of America. So here we are looking at higher gas prices, higher food prices and NOW . . . they went up on our postage stamps! For a moment I fell in the floor laughing hysterically and then sat up seriously exclaiming "What a mess"!

I have friends living in Saudi Arabia. They are a big strick Isalmic society. Women can not go out alone or drive cars. This is because they have Mecca and Medina in their country.

They are only friends of the USA becaus of the oil. They will not increase the supply of oil as this wil lower the price.

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