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Lib I wish people would say homosexual instead of gay. My good friend growing up, her name was gay (she is since dead) but it is not fair to people who were given the name because it means very happy and now someone decided to change the meaning.

also, why do you assume the rainbow has anything to do with homosexual? Its oldest known meaning is from The Bible, It’s a sign from God that he will never destroy us again by a flood for our wicked ways, not not a logo for homosexual rights.

Some woman columnist whose name escapes me now, once said that the usurpation by homosexuals of the word "gay" constituted the destruction of a fine word. I only use it that way whem I'm lazy.
That's the nature of a living language. It comes down to the basics of individual human experience. Think of it this way: once, there was just the word awesome. Then, along came someone who had two peculiarities: 1) He didn't like the word "awesome," and 2) he enjoyed low temperatures. He began using the word "cool" to refer to things when others would have used "awesome." This slang caught on, and today - the word "cool" has a new meaning.
Soooooooooooo......The Beats (in the '50s) were (merely) psychics, right? :rolleyes:

This site (obviously) needs a Historian.....especially for those folks who think Politics has (all-of-a-sudden) become Hip.
We've seen more than our share of politicans out of touch with reality lately, but none have ever incited my gag reflex as strongly as John Kerry did.
Kerry is (without-a-doubt) more of an Orator, than a Campaigner. What works, in Congress, doesn't sell-well on Main Street, for obvious reasons...the general-public's short-attention-span & indifference to a well-thought-out position.

Out of touch? That's quite possible, but also suggests an indifference (or, possibly, an aversion) to the real-World. Everyone thinks their Politician is more in-tune to their, it's a matter of perception.

Reality...when he and Bobby Muller first returned, from 'Nam, was an entirely different-World....totally lost on present-day 15-to-29-year-olds. A lack of Actual Participation can have that effect.

Is Kerry more jaded by his years in Congress. That's always possible. But, is the other-extreme (i.e. Sarah Palin, as a Sec. Of State) a more-logical move. That's an argument that could (only) be sold to a significant-minority.
Ah ok :) Dang you and I agree on him it seems very well. Why do people keep voting him in? He and Ted both to me are the best argument for term limits.

I liked Zell Miller but mostly because he had the spine to stand up against his party.
Yeah.....we wouldn't want term-limits for crazy-people. That'd definitely have a negative-impact on them becoming Sec. Of State. :rolleyes:
Soooooooooooo......The Beats (in the '50s) were (merely) psychics, right? :rolleyes:

This site (obviously) needs a Historian.....especially for those folks who think Politics has (all-of-a-sudden) become Hip.

My post was meant allegorically, to demonstrate how language changes. To be honest, I don't know if slang "cool" came before or after the present meaning of "awesome" was established - but the allegory still demonstrates the point, that languages change as people derive new meanings for old words based on personal experience.