'Bored' Black Teens Kill White Baseball Player 'For Fun'...

Got any sources to back up that claim or am I left to take your most credible word for it?

I certainly have the statistics to support that black-on-white violence is FAR greater than white-on-black violence. I have not analyzed that data to determine if there's a significant trend in that violence. I'll perform the necessary analysis once I determine how the raw data should be structured. For example, the raw numbers of violent crime might be expected to increase by some amount just because of increasing populations. I'll figure out the best way to handle that, and when completed, I'll post the results here before anywhere else.
Where one race is poor says blacks there will always be more violence on he rich who may happen to be white. Even in Australia where we hardly have any blacks. the Australian Aboriginals. a tiny part of the population are in jail more in proportion to other groups.
Crime stats do not recognise black but total crimes in the Usa exceed that ten other countris., UK, india, CANADA, Philippines.AUSTRALIA. Germany . NETHERLANDS, Malaysia and JAPAN ACCORDING to NATIONAL master UNCR FIGURES.. in some crimes eg ASSAULT VICTIMES THEY ARE LESS THAN Australia but this depends of definition/. There is likely more reporting of Assault in Australia according to NATIONAL masters. THE USA is 7t in gun violence. AUSTRALIA IS 27th of 32
ON crime STATTIES IN Australia most crime is down from 2007
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Where one race is poor says blacks there will always be more violence on he rich who may happen to be white. Even in Australia where we hardly have any blacks. the Australian Aboriginals. a tiny part of the population are in jail more in proportion to other groups.

Typically, the violence related to economic status occurs in thefts/robberies. In the US, statistics are kept for Robberies in two sub-categories, one involving violence, and one not involving violence. When I analyzed the data, I purposefully excluded all Robbery data to avoid the economic-disparity counter-argument. In cases involving a black offender and white victim, or a white offender and black victim of Robbery, blacks committed more than 95% of such crime. Again, however, those data are excluded from my analysis.
This thread is why right wing idiots needs to shut about about race....
One person was black
one was white
one was mixed.

first person shot was white and random
2nd person they where going to shoot, where they where arrested...was black

Mod edited: Let's keep it civil, OK?

But let fox noise jam that shit down and fuck facts.
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This thread is why right wing idiots needs to shut about about race....

Dumb fucks can't figure out that not all crimes with different races are race crimes...some are just crimes...and some actuly are race crimes...

But let fox noise jam that shit down and fuck facts.

Mod edit: Let's keep it civil, please!

Of course all crimes with different races are not race crimes. Why is it then, that in virtually EVERY case in which a white and a black is involved as either an offender OR a victim, do Democrat race baiters play the race card against the white person??? We're discussing black violence here because we're sick and tired of being accused of being violent racists who hate blacks. It is NOT whites who commit 85% of ALL black/white, interracial violence! It is NOT whites who commit 92% of ALL black/white interracial rapes/sexual assaults! During the past 5 years for which data is available, blacks committed 100% of black/white interracial rapes/sexual assaults. Do we hear those statistics on newscasts, even on Fox News that you consider so biased? NO! You WILL have to listen to those FACTS here, for it's only in a free-speech, open forum like HouseOfPolitics where the TRUTH does not have to be politically correct in order to be said. It need only BE the TRUTH. These statistics ARE the TRUTH. You will hear such truth every single time you make your despicable insinuations. Live with it!
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I can give stats to counter Tex stats but he will not believe them.
Well Aus ......

I have already posted stats .... more than what you have done .... and obviously it is you who still doesn't believe me.

All I can say Australians are happy with our gun policy and whether a conservative or Labor wins next week elections they will not be change.
Speaking for the whole country, there Aus .....??

That's mighty ethnocentric, don't you think?
Got any sources to back up that claim or am I left to take your most credible word for it?

It's called "polar bear hunting", "knock-out game" and "white girl bleed a lot". There has been a surge of black on white crime by "bored" black youths. Of course you'll never get the media or the police to report on it. It's not PC.

"White Girl Bleed a Lot" (5th Edition): The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

Now how can the police not charge him with an hate crime? You see whites don't benefit from hate crimes. The Next republican president will repeal hate crime laws. Again NBC NEWS,CBS NEWS,ABC NEWS,MSNBC and CNN wont report this. Only FOX NEWS CHANNEL will tell the truth

Now how can the police not charge him with an hate crime? You see whites don't benefit from hate crimes. The Next republican president will repeal hate crime laws. Again NBC NEWS,CBS NEWS,ABC NEWS,MSNBC and CNN wont report this. Only FOX NEWS CHANNEL will tell the truth
1/2 truth there steve ...

Whites don't benefit from hate crimes ... that is acceptable and there will never be another Republican president.