Boeing loses $40 billion contract .......

If you can afford it.

I can, and eveyone can who'll get their butt out and work.

You are unwilling to see the utter stupidity of the insurance system we have now.

You offer a moronic dichotomy - either it's exactly as we have now, or socialized medicine.

Funny thing about my health care, its provided for by the Feds. Through IHS.
Oil revenues go for other frivilous expenditures. Law enforcement, education, infastructure, managing natural resources, other health care, etc. :rolleyes:

Not everyone lives on the reservation, Hiawatha.
If every other industrialized nation in the world can pull it off, can pay less than we do, and have a health care system rated by the WHO as better than ours, and yet we can't, then it's way past time for some serious changes in our government.

You'll have to excuse me for thinking that the WHO has more resources to judge, and is far more objective, than someone like you and I who are posting on a political forum under a made up name.;)

Rating the socialized system better that ours is silly, and WHO is made up of health care statists - OF COURSE they'll say it's better. :D
Yeah, the Uk has it wonderful. Russians? Heaven. African countries? Paradise! :D
Yeah those are fair comparisons.:rolleyes:
This is the United States of America. The richest, most powerful nation the world has ever known. We are more than capable of providing adequate health care for our citizens. There is no other reason except corporate greed and thier congressional GOP puppets dont want it. Screw the masses, whats another insured cancer victim going backrupt despite paying thier premiums.
Happens every day.
I can, and eveyone can who'll get their butt out and work.
Millions of working people have no insurance because they cant afford it.
There are thousands of fishers in my state alone who cannot afford insurance premiums or have been turned down outright.
You offer a moronic dichotomy - either it's exactly as we have now, or socialized medicine.
They arent mutually exclusive. Nothing is preventing anyone from seeking treatment through thier own financial methods, cash, insurance or otherwise. What I am concerned about is those who cant afford any.

Not everyone lives on the reservation, Hiawatha.
Libsmasher, let me make something very clear. This is out of line as far as I am concerned. You shouldnt type something online you wouldnt say in person. And I know you have just enough brains and not nearly enough balls to ever say that to me in person. :mad:
Libsmasher, let me make something very clear. This is out of line as far as I am concerned. You shouldnt type something online you wouldnt say in person. And I know you have just enough brains and not nearly enough balls to ever say that to me in person. :mad:

Ooooooooo - weren't you the one ridiculing anti-white discrimination, with poor white boys or something? :) You apparently can dish it out, but not take it. What goes around comes around. ;)
Read what you quoted from my post again. And know that I mean it. Barely enough brains and not nearly enough balls....
Libsmasher, if what you say is true (Boeing got screwed over by wussy multiculti types and now kowtows to them relentlessly), one can hardly blame them.

Boeing is a business, and like any business has to go where the money is. Very clearly the money is not in decades of class-action lawsuits that could be remedied through a simple affirmative action policy.

Yes, it's unfortunate and undesirable and it's a monument to the overwhelming power of the brainless hippies that run society today. But it seems to me that Boeing's behavior is more an act of self-preservation than a positive endorsement of the aforementioned ideology.
Read what you quoted from my post again. And know that I mean it. Barely enough brains and not nearly enough balls....

You got a problem with me, sport? I'll tell you how you can tell me your problem to my face if you want. :)
Libsmasher, if what you say is true (Boeing got screwed over by wussy multiculti types and now kowtows to them relentlessly), one can hardly blame them.

Boeing is a business, and like any business has to go where the money is. Very clearly the money is not in decades of class-action lawsuits that could be remedied through a simple affirmative action policy.

Yes, it's unfortunate and undesirable and it's a monument to the overwhelming power of the brainless hippies that run society today. But it seems to me that Boeing's behavior is more an act of self-preservation than a positive endorsement of the aforementioned ideology.

There is some truth in what you say. But a few comments: There should be a price in them agreeing to screw over whites because of the threats and blackmail of minorities to gain privileges at the expense of whites. That whites, notably white males, simply allow this to happen, is shameful, and shows that that group needs to organize politically, just as every other group has, and stand up for it's rights. Also, Boeing and other big corporations have gone BEYOND the demands of the racial shakedown artists - eg when they stood up for anti-white racism in the Gratz and Grutter cases before the USSC, in a case they weren't at all involved in - ie, they've "embraced diversity" - ethusiatically accepted anti-white racism as a corporate way of life.
Originally Posted by Libsmasher
No, no white male aerospace employee with his head screwed on straight would work for them (I was offered a job with them two years ago and turned them down.) And OF COURSE it doesn't bother you, anti-white male racist discrimination has no resonance with libs. Their frequent "racism" screeches are strictly hypocritical.

Oh yeah!!! Being a White male just about all my life I see companies all the time selecting blacks over whites for no good reason........... not!:rolleyes:

Now I've seen a few Black owned companies that hire mostly Blacks. And I've seen companies that have almost no minorities on their payroll look to hire some minority workers. But this... they're just tryin' to hold the White man down stuff is Klanish, divisive & ignorant.

It sounds like maybe they didn't offer you the job for some reason and you're pissed. Maybe lighten up a little see how that works... we're all Americans just trying to support our families.
Oh yeah!!! Being a White male just about all my life I see companies all the time selecting blacks over whites for no good reason........... not!:rolleyes:

Now I've seen a few Black owned companies that hire mostly Blacks. And I've seen companies that have almost no minorities on their payroll look to hire some minority workers. But this... they're just tryin' to hold the White man down stuff is Klanish, divisive & ignorant.

It sounds like maybe they didn't offer you the job for some reason and you're pissed. Maybe lighten up a little see how that works... we're all Americans just trying to support our families.

Get out of this thread, imbecile. :D

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