Blatant voting fraud: Biden defies the SCOTUS in order to buy votes with US tax dollars

so they all bought votes too, according to your "logic". lol.
so you are against cutting taxes then, since you dont like politicians buying votes, right? :)
Obama had full support from both houses in Congress. What 'fair' tax increases did the lying democrats finally enact under Obama after claiming for decades that the taxes on the rich need to be increased. If you don'tr think the 'rich' are paying their share, write your rich democrat politicians to see if they will ever do anything to raise taxes on the rich.
Obama had full support from both houses in Congress. What 'fair' tax increases did the lying democrats finally enact under Obama after claiming for decades that the taxes on the rich need to be increased. If you don'tr think the 'rich' are paying their share, write your rich democrat politicians to see if they will ever do anything to raise taxes on the rich.

so you dont deny republicans buy votes with tax decreases..for obvious reasons..because they do
so you dont deny republicans buy votes with tax decreases..for obvious reasons..because they do
If decreasing taxes for tens of millions of voters is voting fraud then both democrat and republican politicians by the thousands would have to be accused of voting fraud.
If decreasing taxes for tens of millions of voters is voting fraud then both democrat and republican politicians by the thousands would have to be accused of voting fraud.
i didn't say voting fraud, lying idiot. god read the simple words.
I said "buying votes", idiot. lol
god you are so stupid
Vote buying used to be illegal before the days of Democrat Tammany Hall political corruption.
If you claim forgiven loans is vote buying then so are tax cuts
Can't have it both ways duh
Both are legal and nothing like the vote buying youvdescribe in your desperate attempt not to look stupid
Are you still barking over the return of Iran's money?
If not, what crime are you talking about?
Make sure it's a proven crime though.
SCOTUS ruled the money belonged to American victims of Iranian terror. Obama effectively said to hell with American victims of Iranian terror and to hell with the SCOTUS, he was going to give the money to Muslim terrorists and nobody could do a thing about it.
If you claim forgiven loans is vote buying then so are tax cuts
Can't have it both ways duh
Both are legal and nothing like the vote buying youvdescribe in your desperate attempt not to look stupid
It was a Democrat recipient of Biden's taxpayer payoff of student loans that he saw as a good reason to vote Democrat.
The dumbest of democrat rubes say the dumbest things that are not true.
You are a despicable LIAR. Ignorant deluded and deffing stupid
SCOTUS ruled the money belonged to American victims of Iranian terror. Obama effectively said to hell with American victims of Iranian terror and to hell with the SCOTUS, he was going to give the money to Muslim terrorists and nobody could do a thing about it.
Obama was right, screw SCOTUS
No Republicans got loans forgiven? Duh
No one voted republican after promise of lower taxes? Duh
I am receptive to any evidence you have that democrats lower taxes or that when Congress lowers taxes grateful Americans change parties and vote republican for that reason.
You are a despicable LIAR. Ignorant deluded and deffing stupid

Obama was right, screw SCOTUS
You share the sentiments of millions of democrats who are not afraid to say, "Screw God, screw Christianity, screw the Constitution, screw laws, screw due process, screw heartbeats of unborn human babies, screw the free market, screw corruption in politics, screw capitalism, screw the government under President Trump, screw President Trump, screw white people, screw cops, screw store owners, screw business owners, and more."
SCOTUS ruled the money belonged to American victims of Iranian terror. Obama effectively said to hell with American victims of Iranian terror and to hell with the SCOTUS, he was going to give the money to Muslim terrorists and nobody could do a thing about it.
Here's the full story and note it does not mention the SC. As much as you would love to blame something illegal in Obama, it's a lie. You lose again.