Bin Laden raid 'not assassination'

Could you please provide proof to back up your assertions?

why so you can ignore them? try this...go read something, watch the news ...try a radical idea...not fox news....its only been reported 2000 times I guess I thought maybe you would catch it.

or you can just Start calling the Navy Seals Murders and criminals...and cry about how we should have offered OBL some time to pack his things and made him tea when they found him.
why so you can ignore them? try this...go read something, watch the news ...try a radical idea...not fox news....its only been reported 2000 times I guess I thought maybe you would catch it.

or you can just Start calling the Navy Seals Murders and criminals...and cry about how we should have offered OBL some time to pack his things and made him tea when they found him.

I am not going to mourn osama, but it probably was an execution. Claims otherwise by a fascist like Holder, who ironically continues to "investigate" CIA people involved in Gitmo interrogations, have no credibility. The point is that this was carried out by the same administration that wanted to treat islamofascist war criminals like ordinary civilian criminals, and are revealed as utter hypocrits after their pronouncements against Gitmo, waterboarding, etc.
I am not going to mourn osama, but it probably was an execution. Claims otherwise by a fascist like Holder, who ironically continues to "investigate" CIA people involved in Gitmo interrogations, have no credibility. The point is that this was carried out by the same administration that wanted to treat islamofascist war criminals like ordinary civilian criminals, and are revealed as utter hypocrits after their pronouncements against Gitmo, waterboarding, etc.

once again the fact is you have nothing to actuly suggest it was a exicution
and waterboarding did not have anything to do with getting this intel...go ask John McCain he talked about that fact today....

I swear you people don't even pay attention to the news at all...Fox must just realy be bad at facts as well as horribly bias.
once again the fact is you have nothing to actuly suggest it was a exicution
and waterboarding did not have anything to do with getting this intel...go ask John McCain he talked about that fact today....

You're REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel when you have to trot out a RINO like McCain. :D

The obozoites came out with about five different stories: "Duh, he presented a he didn't........he had a gun........uh, wait, no he didn't .......he hid behind a wait - she attacked no, she didn't have a gun, but hey, she might have had a suicide vest under there - you know how those crazy arabs are like......" :D

The correct committee of the House of Representatives needs to haul these people into a hearing and tell ONE story about what they did.
You're REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel when you have to trot out a RINO like McCain. :D

The obozoites came out with about five different stories: "Duh, he presented a he didn't........he had a gun........uh, wait, no he didn't .......he hid behind a wait - she attacked no, she didn't have a gun, but hey, she might have had a suicide vest under there - you know how those crazy arabs are like......" :D

The correct committee of the House of Representatives needs to haul these people into a hearing and tell ONE story about what they did.

its funny how "rino" McCain...was the pick of the republican party by the republican voters to be the president of the US....but not a Republican...

also as someone who you know...actuly knows what the hell happened and is on Security panals in the Senate...and as someone who have served and been tortured...what would he know....outside of alot more then you. Also what he said was repeated by other top officals from the CIA ...I know the liberal CIA....

funny when a story changes slightly from the white house on a event like that over a day, its Obamas fault....even if that is the what he is told by the Military who is debreifing the troops who did the job...who most likey had different views of what exactly happened....but its Obamas fault...

Now if Bush tells us about Pat Tilman and Jessica lynch and we find out they are lies months later....he is amazing and you love him still.

your just pissed a dem was in office and actuly did the Job Bush stopped caring about much.
it was never a capture scenario. it was a snatch though.

I think they knew that if they took him alive that Al Q would squalk too quickly to properly "debrief" him and wind up not being able to just kill him when ready. that said, he needed to be offed.
We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with Al Qaeda. We went in and took out the leader of Al Qaeda. Call it an assassination if you want, we took the lowlife cockroach out as an act of war.

Thank you, Navy Seals. Thank you CIC of the armed forces. Thank you, intelligence. At long last, we took out that piece of dog manure, shot him dead, and put an end to his attacks on this great nation.

Now to get the rest of the vermin.
Now to get the rest of the vermin.
Right... and by "get" them you mean arrest them with as little physical force as possible, read them their Miranda rights, give them POW status and protection while they are being detained, put them on trial in a civilian court, and limit any "interrogation" to asking polite questions so as not to be accused of torture...

When it's Bin Laden, "Yeah, kill the SOB!"

When it's Bin Laden's buddies, "Shame on America! We should be giving these so called "enemy combatants" POW status and protection, we should not be "torturing" them to get information, these people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect!"
its funny how "rino" McCain...was the pick of the republican party by the republican voters to be the president of the US....but not a Republican...

Once again, you flash your dimbulb ignorance like an electronic sign. :D There are probably sharp ten year olds who know the republican establishment is RINO.

also as someone who you know...actuly knows what the hell happened and is on Security panals in the Senate

Uh, nooooooooooo, what he "knows" about the raid is the unsworn claims of obozo flunkies. :rolleyes:

and as someone who have served and been tortured...

What you're saying is - McCain was tortured in vietnam 40 years ago, so he knows what happened on obozo's raid. :D
Was the white house open to capturing him? After days have gone by and the story has changed quite a bit we may never know. But the best indication may be papers and statements made before or immediately after his death.

So what did the white house say on day one?
Was the white house open to capturing him? After days have gone by and the story has changed quite a bit we may never know. But the best indication may be papers and statements made before or immediately after his death.

So what did the white house say on day one?

they had a whole group of translators, interagators and such on standby in Afganistan near teh boarder ready if US got him the fact him alive would give even more idea how he was able to stay in pakistan so close to a military base, and who was really running things at different levels would be very valuable. The odds of Bin Laden going down with zero fight was pretty slim, and I doubt he was just sitting in a room waiting to be taken away by the Americans....the idea he did not go for a weapon or make a threating move ( more so for someone who anyone with half a brain would think very likey had bombs rigged to him or the house) I would say are slimm. And the best we are going to know I think is what we know one is just after it happened while they where still getting info on what happened and being debreifed so thus the most clouded. And there is always teh change that the plan was yet to capture him, but maybe a seals went in shoot him anyway our of anger or reflex...but knowing there training I doubt that.
Right... and by "get" them you mean arrest them with as little physical force as possible, read them their Miranda rights, give them POW status and protection while they are being detained, put them on trial in a civilian court, and limit any "interrogation" to asking polite questions so as not to be accused of torture...

When it's Bin Laden, "Yeah, kill the SOB!"

When it's Bin Laden's buddies, "Shame on America! We should be giving these so called "enemy combatants" POW status and protection, we should not be "torturing" them to get information, these people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect!"

look a straw man! don't think what ever you do!
Once again, you flash your dimbulb ignorance like an electronic sign. :D There are probably sharp ten year olds who know the republican establishment is RINO.

Uh, nooooooooooo, what he "knows" about the raid is the unsworn claims of obozo flunkies. :rolleyes:

What you're saying is - McCain was tortured in vietnam 40 years ago, so he knows what happened on obozo's raid. :D

yes, the Republican Senator elected countless times, and voted on by the republican party to be president of the not a Republican....give it up.

so is Seal Team 6, and the US Miltiary now a bunch of FLunkies?
HOw is it that these FLunkies got Osama Dead..when the great leaders of Bush could not? hmmmm

NO I know this is hard to figure out, since it has that use of your brain thing, but being you a idea of how useful torture is....think, its not illegal