Billionaire plans if giggles wins

you can prove she never made intelligent suggestions?
go for it, lying moooron.
but we know you wont.
I cannot keep her stories straight. Kamala claims she had nothing to do with Biden's really bad plans, so which decisions made by the Biden administration do have her fingerprints on them, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal during which she was supposedly the 'last person in the room?'
I cannot keep her stories straight. Kamala claims she had nothing to do with Biden's really bad plans, so which decisions made by the Biden administration do have her fingerprints on them, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal during which she was supposedly the 'last person in the room?'
So in other words you cannot because you are lying idiot
I cannot keep her stories straight. Kamala claims she had nothing to do with Biden's really bad plans, so which decisions made by the Biden administration do have her fingerprints on them, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal during which she was supposedly the 'last person in the room?'
I disagree that the Afghanistan withdrawal was "botched". They managed to evacuate over 100,000 people in three days. Trump, not Biden, signed off on the terms of withdrawal, and then was too chickenshit to actually withdraw. he left so few troops in Afghanistan that Biden had to call in more to supervise the withdrawal.

There have NEVER been any triumphant withdrawals of anyone from anywhere. So what you need to compare Biden's withdrawal with is a situation in which he US continues to support a corrupt regime against a continuous attack and the number of casualties that would result from that.

I don't think that Kamala had anything to do with the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, though she probably supported it.

It was obvious that the US was never going to be able to impose any sort of stable democratic or even undemocratic government on Afghanistan. Every dollar spent on Afghanistan after the death of Bin Laden was wasted, every life lost was in vain. No one in the US was made free by the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

Again, Trump's behavior on Afghanistan was deplorable, he was a total chickenshit.