Healthcare is not free nor is college.
You just want someone else to pay for it.
And what if everyone went to college ? Who would repair your car, paint your house, fix your leak etc ?
There is no chance that there would bE work for all these people.
Be honest, you want free college for you.
Not everybody wants to go to college. There are laborers who love what the do. My husband climbs really tall trees everyday to cut limbs that are too close to power lines. It scares the hell out of me, and I would love for him to get an office job where I'm not worried all day. He loves what he does, though. he's done it for 17 years.
My college is done and paid for. My daughter is on her 3rd semester on academic scholarships. My son is still a few years away, thank god, and my husband loves the kind of work that gets your hands dirty and has no interest in school. I am not receiving any kind of welfare, at all. I have received food stamps in the past. Feeding my children is my priority.But I've never cheated the government out of any money. And what I received in food stamps, total, is less than what I pay in taxes in any given year.
We are actually working on building a small cabin. We can't do anything else until the electric is run and a pole is dropped. I'm taking an online course for electrician. I would like to do it if I can. If I can't I would like to be able to stand around, using words like volts, ohms, triplex, and drip loops so that I sound like I know whats going on, regardless of how annoying it will be.
The benefit I get from people being able to go college and eat food is... I can't think of one. People aren't homeless out here. Its too far out in the country. And you aren't allowed to be homeless in town. They get kicked out as fast as they can come in. So it isn't like I have to see people starving on the street corners. I know that my vote for "everyone has a right to eat food" isn't enough to change the minds of...well... anyone at all. Anyone I surround myself with believes in helping people as much as I do, already. And you can see how convincing I am on here. Half the time I get so "passionate" about my views that I sound like a nut.
But I know, whole heartedly, that I'm right about this topic in particular. I associate myself with liberals, specifically for this reason. My views on gun control is no different than the NRA's. I believe anyone who doesn't want me to display my confederate flag, can kiss my expletive. I don't approve of the government forcing their rules on how children are raised. There is a difference between spanking and beating. They need to stop trying to control what everyone eats. I could keep going but I won't. Not right now, anyway