Begich takes lead over Stevens!

A few things to keep in mind. There are 675,000 people scattered over 572,000 miles. Think about the greater Portland Oregon scattered across Washington, Idaho, California, Oregon, and Nevada combined. So the socio-geographic conditions are part of the reason, also keep in mind that we have several thousand deployed armed service members. Also, tens of thousands or more that work away from thier homes either on a fishing boat, mine site, or in an oil field.

I have a serious dislike in the idea of one party having a controlling majority while having the WH. Personally, I would rather political parties be taken out of the equation for the most part. Id prefer if membership in the GOP or DEM parties respectively should have as much signifigance on the ballot as being a Rotarian or an Elks Club member.

That is a good point about how spread out the towns are, so I wont nag on how slow they are anymore.

about the power, I am so glad. Finally we will get a chance to see what liberalism is about. So many times the left would want to do something insane and the right would have enough votes to stop it and I am tired of hearing over and over how liberalism/socialism works if we just gave it a chance. Now they can lay it on us and we can really get a feel for it. I think by the time its over we wont be arguing about it anymore and it will be years before we are stupid enough to head down that road again. There will always be that 20% that no matter how bad it got, even if we had bread lines they would fight for liberalism/socailism... but the avarage American would stop flirting with it. Better now than later, lets just get it overwith while I am still able to take care of myself and my kids.

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