As A American and a man .

Their goal is not to destroy the country, but to IMPROVE it.
No one actually seeks death to America, that is just knucklewalkingly stupid.
In the sick minds of rebels against God burning civilized cities to the ground are heroic acts as are bombings and murders in the name of change, as we saw with criminals like Bill Ayers and his savage barbarian wife Bernadine Dorn.
Well they definitely have more oppressive laws than we do. But what we are doing to them I wouldn’t want for my worst enemy. But also most of the population whether it’s there or North Korea are filled with good people just trying to live their lives. They care about their families like we do and that’s why revolutions never happen. All of this is just making the rest of the world hate us. It’s just going to inspire more acts of terrorism to happen. It’s not making us safe at all.
Communist leaders have a long history of persecuting and murdering Christians and atheists have a long history of supporting mass murderers of Jews.

nothing is happening to these commie islamist apologists. They may go to the jail for the cameras but they're treated well and released next morning with breaky and well wishes. These aasses are usin our own laws against us to destroy this nation...they are supporters of the left and the democrats support them...listen to the squadt. Biden pays lip service for jewish votes but quietly lends support, encourgement and protection to the terrorists.

UNiversity and their professors bear a yuge responsibility for this..and they will the very hands that they radicalized. That's history.
Both Biden and Obama have trafficked billions of dollars for worldwide terrorists, I suspect in exchange for huge kickbacks to pad their own secret millions of hoarded dollars in personal wealth.
Do you really believe Biden and Obama did not transfer billions of American dollars to terrorists? If so that may be bcause your party masters have been keeping that fact from you.
They have no motive whatever to do this.
There is zero evidence of this.
I did not address their motives and you failed to say whether or not you believe the widespread news reports of their funds transfers to terrorists.
There are no such "widespread reports". This is just some crap you read somewhere. Your brain is all squishy and you will believe anything at all.
There are no such "widespread reports". This is just some crap you read somewhere. Your brain is all squishy and you will believe anything at all.
Americans have been informed of massive money transfers to Muslim terrorists by officials including BO Bama and F.J. Biden.
Maybe the ones who are doing it unless your going to claim they are republican MORMONS and Priests .
name them, *****, and prove they are democrats.

you keep posting that stupidity about "republic mormons and priests" as if everyone has to be either a democrat or a republican ***** or a priest. loll

god you must enjoy looking stupid. I enjoy you looking stupid, I have to admit :)

nothing is happening to these commie islamist apologists. They may go to the jail for the cameras but they're treated well and released next morning with breaky and well wishes. These aasses are usin our own laws against us to destroy this nation...they are supporters of the left and the democrats support them...listen to the squadt. Biden pays lip service for jewish votes but quietly lends support, encourgement and protection to the terrorists.

UNiversity and their professors bear a yuge responsibility for this..and they will the very hands that they radicalized. That's history.
commie? lol
name them, *****, and prove they are democrats.

you keep posting that stupidity about "republic mormons and priests" as if everyone has to be either a democrat or a republican ***** or a priest. loll

god you must enjoy looking stupid. I enjoy you looking stupid, I have to admit :)
Yesclearly they are republican mormons
Anything that is simply speech is protected speech if you actually believe in freedom of speech.
sorry but your wrong freedom of speech is highly misunderstood
Chanting, From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free" is not treasonous.
Chanting "Death to America", which is not anything they are chanting often, is not an actual death threat that they are chanting here. That is the chant Iranian leaders are provoking, and they are out of the US jurisdiction.

Textbook violation is yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater, look in any textbook.
Chanting death to America is treasonous behavior and except for the far left loonies is not accepted by most Americans. Stop making lame excuses for liberal idiots

As A American and a man​



You gay Ruskies are a freakin' riot!!!!!
Yesclearly they are republican mormons
sorry but your wrong freedom of speech is highly misunderstood
the world consists of more than democrat and republican mormons, *****. lol
the truly funny thing is that you think that "logic" somehow makes sense and really showed me. lol